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Friday, June 6, 2008

Canada: MSc Student Opportunity in Water Resources, University of Saskatchewan

Graduate Student Opportunity
University of Saskatchewan
Academic Program: Department of Geography, or School of Environment and Sustainability
Project: We are seeking a M.Sc. student with an interest in water resources and environmental effects assessment in watersheds. You will join a Canada Water Network research team of 8 professors from 6 universities, including 6 graduate students, working together to develop The Healthy River Ecosystem Assessment System (THREATS) for assessing and adaptively managing the cumulative effects of human developments on Canadian freshwaters. The project is based at the University of Saskatchewan and led by Dr. Monique Dube, CRC in Aquatic Ecosystem Health Diagnosis.
Start date: September, 2008 (summer start date or availability for summer field work preferred)
Funding: fully funded, Canada Water Network
For more information contact Bram Noble @ 306-966-1899 or b.noble[ at ]

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