The University of Warwick scholarships:
Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce a new MA in International Security commencing in October 2007.Details
OFID Masters Scholarship Award, for Year 2007:
The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) is pleased to unveil its Annual Scholarship Award to support undergraduate students from developing countries, in pursuit of higher education.Through its scholarship scheme, OFID aims to help highly motivated, highly driven individuals overcome one of the biggest challenges to their careers- the cost of advanced professional or graduate training.Details
Study for a PhD. in the United States:
For 2007, this program will fund up to four years of graduate study in the United States towards a Ph.D. degree. This may be coursework and/or research towards a Ph.D. or an entire program. Successful candidates will begin their program of study in the fall of 2007. In addition to academic work, persons selected are expected to share information about Pakistani life and culture with their U.S. colleagues and with community groups in the U.S. On returning to Pakistan, Fulbright scholars are expected to share their U.S. experiences with colleagues and community groups in Pakistan.
Teach or Pursue Research in the United States:
This program funds up to 10 months of lectureship, post-doctoral research, or a combination of the two at a U.S. college or university. Persons selected are expected to share information about Pakistani life and culture with their students, colleagues and community groups in the U.S. On returning to Pakistan, Fulbright scholars are expected to make a significant contribution to Pakistan’s development and to share their U.S. experiences with students, colleagues and community groups in Pakistan.
Dorothy Hodgkins Scholarships:
The Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards are open to top quality science, engineering, medicine, social sciences and technology students from overseas to study for PhDs over a period of three to four years, at an average annual cost per student of £25,000 (up to an overall maximum of £75,000 per student) primarily to cover fees and maintenance. The verriding criterion of the scheme is excellence, and DHPA scholars should be easily recognisable as the 'best of the best'. Approximately 130 students will be offered awards from October 2004. One Research Council and one industrial partner will jointly fund each scholarship. Full details of the scheme areavailable on the Research Councils UK website, together with a full list of eligible countries.
KDFID Shared Scholarships Scheme:
This scheme is a joint initiative between the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and various UK universities, to jointly support scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries, who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom.Awards are primarily for taught postgraduate courses. Support for undergraduate work is only available in exceptional circumstances, for example where the course is not available in the candidate's own country or at a nearby regional institution. There is no formal list of eligible subjects, however all courses undertaken must be demonstrably relevant to the economic, social or technological development of the candidate's home country.
CIES maintains deep ties with the U.S. higher education community, including individual universities and colleges and major scholarly organizations. It also works with a network of binational Fulbright Commissions in 51 countries and 90 U.S. diplomatic posts around the world, as well as international universities and higher education associations.
The King Faisal Foundation sponsors a scholarship program intended to offer opportunities to outstanding Muslim graduates in the Islamic World to complete their higher education in the most prestigious universities of the world.
Dept. For International Development (DIFD):
The Department for International Development (DFID) is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty.They are headed by a Cabinet minister, one of the senior ministers in the Government. This reflects how important the Government sees reducing poverty around the world. They have two headquarters (in London and East Kilbride, near Glasgow) and 25 offices overseas.
PSGIS was established by Dr. M. Atiq ur Rahman in 1997 when he was a graduate student in Human Settlements Development Program of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand.Dr. Hideharu Morishita , a Japanese seconded Faculty in AIT has been the main driving force to strengthen the technical abilities of PSGIS.
Study in Australia:
This Site provides the detailed Scholarships programmes which is run by Australian Govt..
The Researcher's Mobility Portal:
If you are a researcher planning to go abroad then it’s a best source to get financial assistance. Find general information on fellowships/grants:
Sixth Frame Work Program:
It is an organization, which supports researchers to conduct researches in different fields.
Hannover Biomedical Research School MD / PhD Program:
Hannover Biomedical Research School is a leading research & teaching in Germany. 20 positions are available in the MD / PhD program "Molecular Medicine" Hannover Medical School (MHH), the School of Veterinary Medicine (TiHo) and the German Research Centre for Biotechnology (GBF), as part of Hannover Biomedical Research School, invite applications for the above PhD studentships, to commence in October 2005.
Fellowships at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitdt / Karolinska InstituteThe Research:
Training group is funded by Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (DFG) and Land Hessen. Eight scholarships are available in Frankfurt in the beginning of 2005.
Otago International Scholarships:
The University of Otago offers a range of prestigious scholarships for postgraduate study. International students of outstanding ability are invited to apply for one of these scholarships.
PhD positions at the Fraunhofer-Institute for High-Speed Dynamics Ernst-Mach-Institute (EMI), in Freiburg, Germany:
At the Ernst-Mach-Institut, graduate students can actively collaborate in applied research projects. The institute's scientific environment offers a combination of experimental work and numerical simulation that is almost unique in Germany.
Two PhD studentships at the Department of Internal Medicine:
Two PhD studentships are available for 3 years at the Department of Internal Medicine, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany. For further information see: or
Korea Development Institute:
The KDI School strives to support students who have excellent academic records but are unable to secure funding from other sources. Assistance is available through various fellowships, scholarships or work-study opportunities. Applicants are, however, urged to seek outside financial support before they apply for aid arranged by the School.
This UK School of the Built Environment is one of 3 schools forming the Faculty of Engineering & Computing. The School offers a range of courses at various levels and modes of study and is based at the Merchiston campus. In addition, the School is active in several areas of research and consultancy. This School offers Postgraduate Research Studentship:
Short Visits to the UK:
The Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science, is at the cutting edge of scientific progress. It supports many of the UK's top young scientists, engineers and technologists. It influences science policy, it debates scientific issues with the public and much more. It is an independent, charitable body which derives its authoritative status from its 1400 Fellows and Foreign Members. The key objectives of short visits are to initiate one-to-one collaborations, explore opportunities to build lasting networks and gain access to complementary equipment, data observations and ideas. Both UK hosts and visiting scientists should have established contact before submitting an application, either through previous collaboration or correspondence.
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is the UK Government's leading funding agency for research and training in engineering and the physical sciences. It offers many types of Scholarships. For details:
NERC's International Strategy Group:
The International Strategy Group's purpose is to add value to NERC's collaboration and partnership with international science, by:- adding an international dimension to NERC policy and planning; influencing overseas fora and programmes;Ø- Ø- enabling exploitation of overseas opportunities (by the UK environmental sciences community).
The UK Medical Research Council MRC is a national organisation funded by the UK taxpayer. We promote research into all areas of medical and related science with the aims of improving the health and quality of life of the UK public and contributing to the wealth of the nation.
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council:
PPARC is the UK's strategic science investment agency. By directing, coordinating and funding research, education and training in particle physics and astronomy, PPARC delivers world-leading science, technologies and people for the UK. Based in Swindon, along with several other research councils, PPARC operates three scientific sites: the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh, the Isaac Newton Group in La Palma and the Joint Astronomy Centre in Hawaii.
The Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme:
The following pages provide current information about the Scheme including details on eligibility, the application process and the timetable for the previous 2005 competition. We apologise for the fact that we are currently not in a position to provide you with the proposed timetable for the 2006 competition due to the changes in the future operation of the scheme. Please see below.
International Research Association and Prometric Scholarship for MBAs:
International Research Association and Prometric Announce $2,250,000 MBA Scholarship Program for those with an undergraduate business degree, MBAs, and MBA students.
Islamic Development Bank Assistance and Scholarship Program:
The Bank’s fund and implement its scholarship programmes as part of its overall effort in the development of human resources of its member countries and those of the Muslim communities in non-member countries.
NORAD Scholarships for Asian Students at AIT:
University of NottinghamScholarship for International students:
University of Cambridge Scholarships for Study Towards Postgraduage and PhD studies:
A number of scholarships offered annually in collaboration with the Developing World Education Fund for students from a number of countries including Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka.
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme:
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant: 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June.
British Chevening Scholarships:
Scholarships are for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom. Awards are given to students in more than 150 different countries.
Abroad PlanetVarious international scholarship :
UK Scholarship Search:
WHO Scholarships:
Scholarships by World Health Organization.
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program:
The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Regular Program is open and free to applicants from all the World Bank member countries eligible to
Monbukagakusho Scholarship Programme , Japan:
Commonwealth Scholarships:
Medical Electives Bursaries:
Dept. for International Development UKScholarships for international students:
British Academy/ACU Grants for International Collaboration:
Grants are available for advanced research, at postdoctoral or equivalent level or beyond in the fields of the humanities and social
ACU Development Fellowships:
For the staff of, or a nominee of, a university in membership of ACU or of a Commonwealth inter-university organisation; or working in industry, commerce or public service in a Commonwealth
The site offers scholarship search for study abroad for all subjects and
Help and guidance on student loans, scholarships, grants and much
IEEE Computer Society:
Scholarships for graduate students, juniors, and seniors in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, or a well-defined computer related field of
International Education Financial Aid:
International Education Financial Aid (IEFA) scholarship search is the premier resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for international students wishing to study
Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation:
Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF) was established in April, 1995, at the behest of late Takeo Atsumi, the former President and Chairman of Kajima Corporation. AISF provides financial assistance to foreign students with superior academic skills to further their studies at the Ph.D. programs of graduate schools in
Japan Govt. Scholarships:
Association of Intl Education, Japan Scholarships for International Students in Japan:
University of Sydney:
International students
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