Multiple postdoctoral research fellow positions in Computational Biology are available in Dr. Yan Cui’s lab at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (Memphis, Tennessee, USA). Our research interests include predictive modeling of genetic networks, phenotypic effect of genetic variations, functional elements in non-coding DNA sequences and evolutionary theory (for details see our webpage at
The successful applicants will have the opportunity to participate exciting research projects such as: (1) Sequencing the genome of a mouse strain (DBA/2) and identify all the genetic differences between DBA/2 and the C57BL/6 strain (whose genome has been sequenced), (2) Designing custom microarrays to study the differential gene expression across the BXD recombinant inbred strains (which were derived from the crossing of DBA/2 and C57BL/6), (3) Developing computational models to elucidate the causal pathways through which genetic variations influence phenotypes and predict the effects of genetic/transcriptional variations/interventions on the phenotypes (e.g. individual differences in disease susceptibility and responses to medications), (4) Computational modeling of cerebellum development in time and space, (5) Inferring the genetic pathways underlying individual differences in immune responses to a number of pathogens. The multidisciplinary research environment will provide numerous opportunities to collaborate with experimental biologists.
The successful applicants will be able to take advantage of the high performance computing facilities, a 48-cpu Linux cluster of our lab and a new petaflop supercomputer hosted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (
Located in Memphis, a dynamic Mid-South city rich in culture, history, diversity, music and cuisine, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is one of the largest, most comprehensive academic health centers in the United States with a solid commitment to postdoctoral training. UTHSC is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Title VI/IX/ Section 504/ ADA/ADEA Employer.
The applicant should have a Ph.D. degree, research experiences in computational biology/bioinformatics, and computer programming skills. Experience in gene network modeling, time series data analysis, quantitative genetics and/or genome sequence assembly is a plus.
HOW TO APPLY: Send CV to Dr. Yan Cui (ycui2[ at ]
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