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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sweden: PhD Position in Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Uppsala University

Organosilicon chemistry directed towards molecular electronics

A new constellation in molecular electronics is being formed at Uppsala University; the Uppsala University UniMolecular Electronics Center (U3MEC) composed of eight different research groups and with focus on molecular electronics based on single or small assemblies of molecules. U3MEC comprises expertise in chemistry, physics and engineering, experimentalists as well as theoreticians.

One PhD student position in the group of Prof. Henrik Ottosson at the Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry is available. The project involves design and synthesis of novel organosilicon, -germanium, and -tin compounds, and characterization of their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties as well as assembly into nanoelectronics platforms for investigations of electron transport properties.

A suitable candidate has a master of science in chemistry or equivalent, or expects to complete his/her degree before the end of the year. He/she has (i) a solid experience in organic and/or organometallic synthesis, (ii) documented good knowledge in physical chemistry, and desirably (iii) documented interest in computational chemistry and chemical bonding theory. Good skills in oral and written English are required, and an ability to work in a multidisciplinary and visionary environment is crucial.

The PhD student position corresponds to four years of full time studies, with courses of approximately 1 year, and 3 years of research work.

Complete applications should include (i) a brief yet comprehensive description of research interest, past experience and future visions, (ii) a CV, (iii) copies of exams, degrees and grades, (iv) a copy of your Master thesis (or a draft thereof), and (v) contact information to a minimum of two reference persons.

For further information please contact Prof. Henrik Ottosson, henrik.ottosson[ at ]

Applications should be sent to: Prof. Henrik Ottosson, Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Box 576, Uppsala University, 751 23 Uppsala, Sweden.

Important: Applications by email will not be considered.

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