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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ireland: PhD in Decision Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin

PhD in Decision Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Assistant position in Decision Neuroscience

O’Doherty lab, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

A post-graduate research assistant position is available in the laboratory of Prof. John P. O’Doherty at Trinity College Dublin. The position, part of a research programme funded by Science Foundation Ireland, will involve contributing to the organization of a research programme concerned with uncovering the neural mechanisms underlying choice, reward-learning and decision making in the brain. Duties include helping with subject recruitment, running experiments (brain imaging and behavioural studies) and contributing to data analysis.

An undergraduate degree in psychology, neuroscience, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline would be a pre-requisite, and evidence of strong quantitative skills in computer programming, mathematics and statistics would be essential. Some prior exposure to cognitive, behavioural or computational neuroscience would be an advantage. The project will be carried out using state of the art MRI facilities at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

The position is available for a period of 2 to 3 years.

Start date: As soon as is practicable.

Interested candidates should send a CV, brief statement of research interests, and contact details for two referees to John O’Doherty: odoherjp[ at ] Informal enquiries are also welcome.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Trinity College Dublin is an equal opportunity employer

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