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Monday, December 15, 2008

UK: PhD Studentship in Modelling Effects of Tumour Motion, University of Liverpool

PhD Studentship in Modelling Effects of Tumour Motion, University of Liverpool, UK

Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and Directorate of Medical Imaging & Radiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Liverpool

Modelling the effects of tumour motion, displacement and heterogeneity on tumour control probability in radiotherapy

A PhD studentship, fully funded for 3 years by the Clatterbridge Cancer Research Trust (CCRT), is available now. Tuition fees and a tax-free annual bursary of GBP 12,600 will be provided. The project will be carried out primarily in the Physics Department, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology, Bebington CH63 4JY, UK.

The project will be supervised by Prof. Alan Nahum (CCO) and Dr Colin Baker (UoL).

Project summary:
The optimisation of radiotherapy treatment plans depends critically on being able to relate physical dose distributions in the tumour and critical organs to clinically meaningful measures of outcome. Consequently, models have been developed for predicting the probability of tumour control (TCP) and of complications in the surrounding normal tissues (NTCP). For each type of tissue or organ and for the various models developed, parameters must be derived from an analysis of clinical outcome data coupled to the associated dose-volume data for the organs concerned, for large numbers of radiotherapy treatments.

A current hot topic’ is so-called “Image Guided Radiotherapy” (IGRT) which is providing us, via new technology such as 4D CT and in-treatment-room KV cone beam CT, with 4D data on the true position of the tumour at the time of treatment; both of these technologies are available at CCO. This project will develop the biomathematical methodology for converting the tumour displacements revealed by these images into quantitative estimates of the change in local control probability.

Entry requirements:
The project requires a good understanding of radiation physics, significant computer literacy and keen mathematical skills. Applicants should have a background in physical sciences and have gained a minimum of a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours degree (or equivalent from a non-UK university).

Informal enquiries are encouraged and can be made by phone or email to Prof. Nahum or Dr Baker:

alan.nahum[ at ]
+44 (0)151 334 1155 ext. 4169
Secretary Sue Nixon: +44 (0) 151 482 7860

colin.baker[ at ]
+44 (0)151 794 5754

Closing date
Applications must be received by 19th December, 2008.

These can be made online at:

Postal enquiries and applications can be made to:

Angelika Stoker
School of Health Sciences
Thompson Yates Building
University of Liverpool
Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69 3GB

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