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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Singapore: PhD scholarships in Visualization, Shape Modeling and Shared Virtual Reality, AI, Nanyang Technological

Singapore: PhD scholarships in Visualization, Shape Modeling and Shared Virtual Reality, AI, Nanyang Technological University

PhD scholarships in Visualization, Shape Modeling and Shared Virtual Reality, AI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

PhD Projects on visualization, shape modeling and shared virtual reality in Co-Space
Function-based modeling, visualization and interaction in shared virtual environments

This topic unifies several PhD projects which will contribute towards the NRF funded project entitled “Visual and Haptic Rendering in Co-Space”. The work will be carried out at the Centre for Advance Media Technologies (CAMTech) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The goal of the project is to propose an efficient interoperable mathematical model defining geometry, visual appearance and tangible physical properties of objects in Co-Space which is a new paradigm of a shared virtual world where the real and virtual objects co-exist and virtual objects can even be touched. The object definitions must be small in size and invariant to the rendering platform used in Co-Space. The particular goals of the project include development of the fast interactive definitions by implicit and explicit functions, description of complex geometry using parametric partial differential equations, introduction of function-defined physical properties to objects in Co-Space, and development of several exemplar applications illustrating the usefulness of the proposed approach, including an ability to establish physical contact with other party in Co-Space through haptic devices. The projects will also address GPU-based rendering and general purpose computation on GPU, grid-based rendering and interactive free-form shape modeling, 3D reconstruction.

Projects on AI
Cyber-learning in cyberworlds

Cyber-learning is an important and vital part of university education. However, when more and more information is provided electronically, it often results in disorientation and exhaust of the students. The students become more and more interested in personalized education where, ideally, their personal mentors would be able to help with solving any problem. Creating and using educational cyberworlds with cyber-instructors may become an excellent teaching tool implementing personal mentoring of students at affordable cost. Design and implementation of cyber-instructors requires the following research and development work to be done:

To study the existing educational cyberworlds and intelligent talking agents (chatbots)
To propose a concept of cyber-education where virtual instructors will augment and even replace real instructors. Cyber-learning with cyber-instructors must incorporate elements of fun and games.
The proposed concepts can be implemented within a shared virtual world or as a stand-alone version. The candidate has to design and implement cyber-instructors, which will be able to maintain conversation with the students as well as offer different educational services. There must be designed and developed interactive software tools with user-friendly interfaces allowing the lecturers to add content to the “brains” of the cyber-instructors.
Requirements to the candidates

Solid background in mathematics and/or physics
Advance programming skills (C, C++, Java)
Experience in computer graphics (undergraduate course at least, former projects will be an advantage)
Further advantages will be given to candidates with:

Experience in web (Java Script, Perl, etc.) and 3D web (VRML, X3D, AW RWX, SL scripts) programming.
Knowledge of Grid and/or cluster computing.
GPU programming.
Experience in volume graphics, ray tracing, etc.
The detailed topic will be defined after discussing it with the applicant.

Other requirements and the application procedure are available here.

Application procedure
The application process takes about 6 months to apply and complete all the paper work. Datelines for the final submission of the in-principally approved applications for international candidates: 10 October for January intake and 10 June for August intake.
To initialize the application process, email me your extended CV, graduate transcripts (in English), and a detailed essay about your knowledge of the area of research, proposed research topic and skills and experience you have with reference to it and the above listed requirements. The next step is an oral interview (~45-60 min) which is normally done by skype or phone for foreign students. The purpose of the interview is to check you language skills as well as professional knowledge and personal traits. TOEFL and GRE are normally required but sometimes can be replaced by our own tests (by skype and email). The applicants will be also required to pass a professional test (by email).

Scholarship description
The graduate projects start in January or August and last normally 4 years. This is a full time research project which has to be done in Singapore at NTU. The workload is quite high, especially during the first year. The working environment is excellent. The students will receive a monthly stipend of S$ 2,000 during the first 1.5 year, and after passing the confirmation examination, $2,500 during the subsequent years. About S$ 800-1000 will pay for meals and accommodation. Exceptional candidates can be awarded a special stipend of S$3,000. No part-time job is allowed however there can be a paid teaching job offered. During the project, the student has to take 3-6 graduate subjects up to the School’s discretion.

Alexei Sourin, Ph.D., M.Eng.,
Associate Professor

Division of Computer Science, School of Computer Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Office: N4-02a-10 Phone: +65-67904292 Fax: +65-67926559
Email: assourin { at }

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