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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Norway: PhD Positions in Functional Genomics, Trondheim University

PhD Positions in Functional Genomics, Trondheim University, Norway


The positions will be available to outstanding candidates associated with successful research groups within functional genomics at NTNU.

Landmark technology has made it possible to study tens of thousands of genes and proteins simultaneously. Functional genomics makes use of this technology to study the function of specific genes, their protein products and how they affect each other. Functional genomics will be of significance to society, industry and commerce in the future. For more information about FUGE in Mid-Norway please see:

Conditions for the PhD positions

When applying for a PhD position the project description will form the basis for admission to the PhD programme. The fellows will be appointed by the faculty that has administrative responsibility for the actual research group.
The candidate must prepare an application in cooperation with a potential supervisor at NTNU.
In the evaluation process emphasis will primarily be placed on the candidate’s qualities. If two candidates compete equally the quality of the PhD projects will be decisive.
Applicants for the PhD positions must hold a Master’s degree. If a Master’s degree has not been assigned at the time of application it will be required of the applicant to show that the Master’s degree has been registered and that the thesis is submitted for evaluation by 1 April 2009.
The positions must commence no later than 1 July 2009.
Research groups supporting several PhD applications will be asked to rank the candidates in order of preference.
For further information on how to apply and requirements for the application, please see full announcement at, or contact FUGE Midt-Norge coordinator, Janne Østvang, e-mail: janneos[ at ] , phone +47 73 59 60 64.

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