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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Austria: PhD Fellowship in Theoretical Hadron Physics, University of Graz

PhD Fellowship in Theoretical Hadron Physics, University of Graz, Austria

The Doctoral Program “Hadrons in Vacuum, in Nuclei and Stars” in the branch of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Physics at the University of Graz (Austria) advertises Positions for Doctoral Students in Theoretical Hadron Physics.

The research projects in this Doctoral Program are led by Profs. R. Alkofer, C. Gattringer, C.B. Lang, W. Plessas, and W. Schweiger. They focus on issues of quantum chromodynamics in the field of hadronic physics. The Doctoral Program is funded, now in its second three-year period, by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Ã~Vsterreich). It cooperates with partners worldwide, a half-year research stay at an other instituition is part of the training program. The thesis work has to be done on one of the research projects in the Doctoral Program

Successful applicants will be given a position for performing a doctoral study (together with one of the above thesis advisers) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Graz leading to the doctor’s degree Dr. rer. nat. They will be employed by the University of Graz for an initial period of two years, with the possibility of extension for a third year. Usually the positions can be started on March 1st or October 1st. The gross salary is EUR 24 750 per year.

Applicants for the Doctoral Program must hold at least a master degree in physics or an equivalent degree. The applications have to contain corresponding documents (certificates), a copy of the master thesis, a curriculum vitae including information on previous work experience and at least two letters of recommendation. Optionally a research plan for the doctoral work can be submitted together with an indication of preference for one of the above thesis advisers.

The material should be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Alkofer,
Theoretical Physics,
Institute of Physics,
University of Graz,
Universitätsplatz 5,
A-8010 Graz, Austria
or by E-mail to: Reinhard.Alkofer[ at ]

Applications are invited from now on. They must be received by the following dates: For a position to start on March 1st, 2009 by the deadline of January 16th, 2009.

For a position to start on October 1st, 2009 by the deadline of June 19th, 2009.

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