PhD - Position in Chem. & Mater. Eng. Dept, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Applications are invited for up to two fully funded PhD positions at the newly established Distributed Parameter Systems Chemical Research Laboratory (DPSCRL) in the Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering Depatment, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
The successful candidates will be enrolled in the PhD Program in Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering at UofA, supervised by Dr. Dubljevic Stevan. Contingent upon satisfactory performance in both research and teaching duties, a total fi nancial support of approximately CDN$ 24-26,000 per annum for a maximum of 4 years (with possible half/one year extension), will be provided to the successful candidate.
A suitable background is Master of Science in Chemical engineering, Process Control, Chemical Engineering with Physics, Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Physics; speci cally with interest in control, applied mathematics and transport phenomena.
The research project aims at development of distributed process control algorithms which can successfully serve in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and nanotechnology based industries. In particular, the model predictive control of the distributed parameter systems (tubular reactors, packed-bed reactors, fluid flow systems) is going to be explored from the theoretical and practical controller realizations applicable in the real world applications. In addition, relevant research topics also include the recent advances in development of highly important medical devices such as de brillators and an analysis of transport phenomena in blood fluid flow, multiscale modeling and computation of relevant semiconductor processing conditions for the optimization and control purposes.
Application procedure:
The application shall be written in English and should includethe following items:
An application of a maximum of one/two A4 pages containing your speci c quali cations for the position, with explanation of your speci c interests in projects
Copies of education certi cates, including grade reports and other documents
Curriculum Vitae
Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)
The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents to e-mail:
Stevan.Dubljevic[ at ]
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Stevan Dubljevic
Chemical & Materials Engineering Department
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2V4
Tel: 780-248-1596
e-mail:Stevan.Dubljevic[ at ]
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