PhD position in Galactic Magnetism and Radio Astronomy at Leiden University/ASTRON
Leiden Observatory, in close collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), invites applications for a graduate student position in observational radio astronomy. The successful applicant will work on Galactic interstellar medium and magnetic field studies with dr. Marijke Haverkorn (Leiden/ASTRON), in collaboration with dr. Peter Katgert (Leiden) and prof.dr. Ger de Bruyn (ASTRON/Kapteyn). He or she will make frequent visits to ASTRON to collaborate with ASTRON astronomers and engineers and work with the new and innovative low-frequency radio telescope LOFAR, which is being commissioned at ASTRON at the moment.
The PhD research will entail observational studies of the Galactic magnetic field and its interaction with the interstellar medium, using various telescopes. In particular, the student is expected to gain in-depth knowledge of the LOFAR telescope in order to obtain the science goals, and play a role in its commissioning. He or she will be part of the international LOFAR Magnetism community, and will interact closely with its members throughout Europe.
Leiden University has the largest department in astronomy in the Netherlands, and is a vibrant and active environment with cutting-edge science in a wide range of research areas. ASTRON, the Dutch focal point for radio astronomy, is an exciting and dynamic place especially now that the development of LOFAR, the largest telescope in the world, is finalizing.
We are looking for an excellent and enthusiastic candidate who is eager to solve some of the mysteries of Cosmic Magnetism, as well as advance the commissioning and testing of LOFAR. The 4-year position is open to students of all nationalities with a Masters degree in astronomy or physics or the equivalent. The position is available immediately but the starting date is flexible. Review of applications will start July 15 but continue until the position is filled.
Applications should contain a curriculum vitae (including a list of university courses with grades), a statement of research experience and interest, and two letters of reference to be sent separately. Applications can be sent by email or regular mail to:
Marijke Haverkorn
ASTRON/Leiden University
PO Box 2
7990 AA Dwingeloo
+31 521 595708
haverkorn[ at ]
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