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Friday, August 28, 2009

Italy: Master Scholarships in Economics, University of Bologna

The Faculty of Economics in Rimini (University of Bologna) is launching an International Laurea Magistralis “Economics and Market Policy” (EPM) that will start in the next academic year 2009/2010. It is a two-year programme and is equivalent to an M-Phil or M.Sc. Degree. You may find a description at the web site.

The programme offers core courses in quantitative economics and a number of elective courses, has a flexible structure and can be tailored to suit both practitioners and research profiles.

Scholarships for the academic year 2009/2010

1) Foreign students (except Italian citizens):
- a scholarship sponsored by the Polo Scientifico Didattico di Rimini: a grant of 6000 euros per year.

The application form is available at this page, or at: :

(see: Scholarships for Laurea Magistralis in Economics and Market Policy).

Information can be required at: relazioni.internazionali[ at ]

Enlisting for the competition: to October, 20, 2009. The Examining Board will short list the candidates by October, 31, 2009.

2) Any student (EU or non EU citizen):
two scholarships sponsored by UniRimini for talented students: a grant of 2000 euros per year and another grant of 1000 euros per year. Details are available at:

(see: Scholarships for Laurea Magistralis in Economics and Market Policy). These grants are not incompatible with other fee exemptions and are therefore an additional award. Enlisting for the competition: to October, 20, 2009. The Examining Board will short list the candidates by October, 31, 2009.

The selection is based on the past University career (cv and a transcript of the exams and grades achieved in previous Degrees) and other documents the applicant considers relevant for the selection.

Ceteris paribus, preferences will be given to the date of enrolment, on a first-enrolled, first-selected basis.

Additional information may be requested from: elettra.agliardi[ at ] (Director of Studies)

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