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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scotland: PhD Studentship in Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Starthclyde, Glasgow

Fully Funded DSTL-EPSRC PhD Research Studentship
Advanced High Resolution Methods for Radar Imaging and Micro-Doppler Signature Extraction

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Centre for excellence in Signal and Image Processing (CeSIP)

Principal supervisor: Professor John Soraghan, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Other supervisors: Dr Ian Glover, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Dr Des McGhee, Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde

A fully funded DSTL-EPSRC peered reviewed 3.5 year PhD research studentship (home fees + stipend up to £17.5k per year) is available from 1st October 2009 to work in the Centre for excellence in Signal and Image Processing (CeSIP), University of Strathclyde.

The increasing interest in bistatic and multistatic radar systems is a result of the potential they offer in sectors such as remote sensing, navigation, automatic target recognition, and related defence and commercial applications. Advantages of multistatic approaches over conventional monostatic systems include (i) the ability to operate in a covert mode (whereby the receiver may be passive with a relatively close stand off distance to the operational region compared to the transmitter), and (ii) increased survivability employing independent receiver manoeuvring with a reduced receiver cost that incorporate inexpensive passive receive only systems.

Recently, new mathematical algorithms (Fractional Fourier Transform based) and related signal processing methods for high resolution radar imaging have been derived within the CeSIP research group. These were successfully applied to high resolution monostatic SAR systems. The aim of the current project is to concentrate on high resolution imaging for bistatic spotlight radar imaging and microdoppler target extraction from multistatic environments.

Candidates with a 2.1 or first class degree in relevant subjects, such as engineering, pure or applied mathematics, physics, or radar/remote sensing are encouraged to apply. A Masters degree in a relevant subject would be an advantage. It is anticipated that the ideal student will have a strong interest in signal processing theory and applications. This studentship is available from 1st Oct 2009.

Applicants should submit a full CV, the names and addresses of two referees and a covering letter to Miss Sheila Forbes (s.forbes[ at ] by 27th August 2009.

For further information, please contact: Professor John Soraghan, CeSIP, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, G1 1XW, Glasgow Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2514. Email: j.soraghan[ at ]

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