International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not United States citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Several fellowships are available for study outside of the U.S.
2009-2010 Academic Year
Master’s/Professional Fellowship $18,000
Doctorate Fellowship $20,000
Postdoctoral Fellowship $30,000
Applications available: Aug. 15 - Dec. 1, 2008
Application deadline: December 1, 2008
Fellowship year July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Please see the official announcement for further information and scholarship application.
Google Search
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Singapore: 2009 NRF-Moh Healthcare PhD Research Scholarships
Local PhD Programme
The NUS PhD scholarship is open to trainees who are Singapore citizens or foreigners who are committed to take up Singapore citizenship.
Award includes:
Salary and tuition fees for the full-time academic study of up to 4 years, up to a cap of S$500,000
Funding of post-doctoral research, up to a cap of S$30,000
li>8 hours of protected time per week for research during the clinical training years
Overseas PhD Programme
The overseas PhD scholarship is open to Singapore citizens only.
Award includes:
Salary, tuition fees, maintenance allowance, return air tickets and health insurance for the full-time academic study of up to 4 years, with a cap of S$800,000 (the allowance and insurance will be funded according to prevailing civil service rates and policies)
Funding of post-doctoral research, up to a cap of S$30,000
8 hours of protected time per week for research during the clinical training years
Advanced Specialty Training in Singapore may range from 2 to 4 years depending on the specialty.
PhD Research Scholars will do the PhD during the AST training phase. Scholars will also be given protected time to do research during their clinical training years. Conversely while they are in the full-time PhD programme, they can also continue to have two clinical sessions a week (8 hours) to maintain clinical competency.
The PhD is only tenable during the traineeship years in order for trainees to do research work as part of advanced training.
Under the scholarship terms, the PhD cannot be done after exiting as a specialist.
Scholars are strongly encouraged to complete the PhD academic programme before commencing advanced clinical training and must, at the very latest embark on the PhD programme at the last 12 trainee-months before exiting as specialists.
All applications will be reviewed by the Specialists Accreditation Board (SAB) Research Committee. Applicants may be called for interviews by the SAB Research Committee during the review process. Specialist trainees who are interested in applying for the PhD Scholarship are required to submit the completed Application Form (Annex A) through and endorsed by the Institution’s Head of Department, with all relevant supporting documents to:
The SAB Research Committee Secretariat
Ministry of Health
College of Medicine Building
16 College Road
Singapore 169854
Email: moh_sab[ at ]
Closing Date For Applications
August 2009 PhD intake 15 November 2008
January 2010 PhD intake 15 May 2009
Local PhD Programme
The NUS PhD scholarship is open to trainees who are Singapore citizens or foreigners who are committed to take up Singapore citizenship.
Award includes:
Salary and tuition fees for the full-time academic study of up to 4 years, up to a cap of S$500,000
Funding of post-doctoral research, up to a cap of S$30,000
li>8 hours of protected time per week for research during the clinical training years
Overseas PhD Programme
The overseas PhD scholarship is open to Singapore citizens only.
Award includes:
Salary, tuition fees, maintenance allowance, return air tickets and health insurance for the full-time academic study of up to 4 years, with a cap of S$800,000 (the allowance and insurance will be funded according to prevailing civil service rates and policies)
Funding of post-doctoral research, up to a cap of S$30,000
8 hours of protected time per week for research during the clinical training years
Advanced Specialty Training in Singapore may range from 2 to 4 years depending on the specialty.
PhD Research Scholars will do the PhD during the AST training phase. Scholars will also be given protected time to do research during their clinical training years. Conversely while they are in the full-time PhD programme, they can also continue to have two clinical sessions a week (8 hours) to maintain clinical competency.
The PhD is only tenable during the traineeship years in order for trainees to do research work as part of advanced training.
Under the scholarship terms, the PhD cannot be done after exiting as a specialist.
Scholars are strongly encouraged to complete the PhD academic programme before commencing advanced clinical training and must, at the very latest embark on the PhD programme at the last 12 trainee-months before exiting as specialists.
All applications will be reviewed by the Specialists Accreditation Board (SAB) Research Committee. Applicants may be called for interviews by the SAB Research Committee during the review process. Specialist trainees who are interested in applying for the PhD Scholarship are required to submit the completed Application Form (Annex A) through and endorsed by the Institution’s Head of Department, with all relevant supporting documents to:
The SAB Research Committee Secretariat
Ministry of Health
College of Medicine Building
16 College Road
Singapore 169854
Email: moh_sab[ at ]
Closing Date For Applications
August 2009 PhD intake 15 November 2008
January 2010 PhD intake 15 May 2009
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Finland: Postdoctoral Job in Spintronics, Helsinki University of Technology
A postdoctoral position is available in the Nanomagnetism and Spin Electronics group at the Helsinki University of Technology. Researchers with the following expertise / background are encouraged to apply: (1) lithography of micro- and nanodevices, (2) magnetic/piezoelectric imaging techniques (MFM/PFM/optical) or (3) sensitive magnetotransport characterization methods.
The project concerns novel experiments on spin transport in ferromagnetic / ferroelectric composites and electric-field controlled magnetic switching in patterned nanostructures. The postdoctoral researcher will deposit multilayer stacks and characterize spin transport and magnetoelectric coupling phenomena at interfaces between intrinsically very different materials. The project is part of a broader effort to integrate new functional materials and switching elements in future spintronic devices.
The Nanomagnetism and Spin Electronics laboratory is located at the new Nanoscience Centre on the campus of the Helsinki University of Technology. The research group actively participates in the National Microscopy Centre of Finland and Micronova, a state-of-the-art clean room facility for the fabrication of micro- and nanodevices. The postdoctoral researcher will have access to a new sub-Ångström transmission electron microscope (TEM), several scanning electron microscopes (SEM), and a variety of scanning probe techniques (AFM/MFM/PFM etc). Also available are a SQUID magnetometer, magnetotransport set-ups for low- and high-frequency characterization, and a magneto-optical Kerr effect microscope.
Applications, including CV, statement of interest, and contact details of three (3) references should be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Prof. Sebastiaan van Dijken, Nanotalo, Puumiehenkuja 2, P.O. Box 5100, FI-02015 TKK, Finland
E-mail: sebastiaan.van.dijken[ at ]
The project concerns novel experiments on spin transport in ferromagnetic / ferroelectric composites and electric-field controlled magnetic switching in patterned nanostructures. The postdoctoral researcher will deposit multilayer stacks and characterize spin transport and magnetoelectric coupling phenomena at interfaces between intrinsically very different materials. The project is part of a broader effort to integrate new functional materials and switching elements in future spintronic devices.
The Nanomagnetism and Spin Electronics laboratory is located at the new Nanoscience Centre on the campus of the Helsinki University of Technology. The research group actively participates in the National Microscopy Centre of Finland and Micronova, a state-of-the-art clean room facility for the fabrication of micro- and nanodevices. The postdoctoral researcher will have access to a new sub-Ångström transmission electron microscope (TEM), several scanning electron microscopes (SEM), and a variety of scanning probe techniques (AFM/MFM/PFM etc). Also available are a SQUID magnetometer, magnetotransport set-ups for low- and high-frequency characterization, and a magneto-optical Kerr effect microscope.
Applications, including CV, statement of interest, and contact details of three (3) references should be sent by mail or e-mail to:
Prof. Sebastiaan van Dijken, Nanotalo, Puumiehenkuja 2, P.O. Box 5100, FI-02015 TKK, Finland
E-mail: sebastiaan.van.dijken[ at ]
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
USA: MS Research Assistantship in Biofuel, Iowa State University
Job Description: I have one 2-year MS assistantship available for a student interested in the social and economic aspects of natural resource management and alternative energy systems.
Location: Department of Natural Resource Ecology & Management, Iowa State University. Ames, IA. You would become one of the founding members of the NREM Socio-Economic Research Lab.
The research involved is in the realm of sustainable biomass systems for biofuel/bioproduct production. Key research questions involve: What biomass fuel sources most effectively supply jointly produced economic, social, and environmental benefits (while minimizing potential negative impacts) in the US Cornbelt? What new crops, cropping systems, forest management practices, machinery and techniques for harvesting, storing, and transporting biomass are required for its sustainable development? What ecosystem goods and services can be qualified and then quantified within a partially perennialized agricultural landscape as compared to traditional row-crop systems. Research flexibility is always provided for the development of student-interest research questions.
Research will involve systems modeling, stakeholder based assessments and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Stipend: $18,000 per year plus health benefits and subsidized tuition (at least 50%). Start date: ISU Spring semester 2009.
Prior to formal application to Iowa State University, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. John Tyndall (jtyndall[ at ]; 515.294.4912) with a letter of interest, including cumulative GPA, GRE scores if available, description of any previous research experience, and contact information for three references. Please feel free to contact John with any informal inquiries. If you wish to send hard copies, these may be submitted to John Tyndall, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, 339 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50014. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable applicant is found.
Qualifications: Ideal students will have an interest in sociology, economics, and ecology. Quantitative aptitude and reasonably developed verbal and written skills are a distinct plus. The student will be expected to present results of his/her research at regional and national meetings and to prepare manuscripts of these findings for publication in the peer-reviewed literature.
Minimum requirements as stated by the Graduate College, Iowa State University:
Salary: $18,000 per year plus health benefits and subsidiz
Last Date to apply: December 1, 2008
Contact: John Tyndall
Phone: 515.294.4912
Location: Department of Natural Resource Ecology & Management, Iowa State University. Ames, IA. You would become one of the founding members of the NREM Socio-Economic Research Lab.
The research involved is in the realm of sustainable biomass systems for biofuel/bioproduct production. Key research questions involve: What biomass fuel sources most effectively supply jointly produced economic, social, and environmental benefits (while minimizing potential negative impacts) in the US Cornbelt? What new crops, cropping systems, forest management practices, machinery and techniques for harvesting, storing, and transporting biomass are required for its sustainable development? What ecosystem goods and services can be qualified and then quantified within a partially perennialized agricultural landscape as compared to traditional row-crop systems. Research flexibility is always provided for the development of student-interest research questions.
Research will involve systems modeling, stakeholder based assessments and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Stipend: $18,000 per year plus health benefits and subsidized tuition (at least 50%). Start date: ISU Spring semester 2009.
Prior to formal application to Iowa State University, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. John Tyndall (jtyndall[ at ]; 515.294.4912) with a letter of interest, including cumulative GPA, GRE scores if available, description of any previous research experience, and contact information for three references. Please feel free to contact John with any informal inquiries. If you wish to send hard copies, these may be submitted to John Tyndall, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, 339 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50014. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable applicant is found.
Qualifications: Ideal students will have an interest in sociology, economics, and ecology. Quantitative aptitude and reasonably developed verbal and written skills are a distinct plus. The student will be expected to present results of his/her research at regional and national meetings and to prepare manuscripts of these findings for publication in the peer-reviewed literature.
Minimum requirements as stated by the Graduate College, Iowa State University:
Salary: $18,000 per year plus health benefits and subsidiz
Last Date to apply: December 1, 2008
Contact: John Tyndall
Phone: 515.294.4912
Monday, October 27, 2008
Germany: PhD Positions in Nanoscale Imaging of Cellular Dynamics, Georg-August-Universität
The newly formed junior research group Nanoscale Imaging of Cellular Dynamics in the Courant Research Centre Nano-Sprectroscopy and X-Ray Imaging at the University of Göttingen invites applications for Three Ph.D. positions.
The positions are immediately available pending formal administrative approval.
Our research focuses on dynamic processes in cells and cellular components. Since most of these processes take place on the micro- and nanometerscales, there is a need for observation and manipulation methods on exactly these length scales. To achieve our aim of imaging the dynamics of biological matter in real-time and in situ, we combine specifically tailored micro- and nanopatterned surfaces and state-of-the-art microfluidics, which mimic physiological conditions, with newly developed high-resolution optical and x-ray imaging methods. In particular, we seek Ph.D. candidates who are interested in
a) In vitro single filament dynamics and network assembly of intermediate filaments,
b) Intermediate filament dynamics in live cells, or
c) Force transduction in blood cells.
For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Köster (see below).
Candidates should have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or a related field. A Diplom, Masters or equivalent degree is required. In addition to experimental experience, candidates should have excellent communication and team-working skills, be committed to the topic and to working in a dedicated interdisciplinary environment. International applicants are welcome. The University of Göttingen seeks to increase the participation of women in areas in which they are currently underrepresented and therefore explicitly urges women to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.
We offer two-year Ph.D. positions with the possibility of extension to three years. Salary is based on the German TV-L system, level 13 (half time).
Göttingen is a quaint and traditional German university town with an international student-based community. The Courant Research Centre is one of five interdisciplinary research centres ( recently established by the University of Göttingen as part of its institutional strategy Tradition Innovation Autonomy. The Centre offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities and an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.
Candidates should upload a curriculum vita, a statement of research interests and a list of publications (if available) via the online form located at Applications received before November 15, 2008 will receive full consideration. Candidates should also arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly by email to Dr. Sarah Köster (sarah.koester[ at ] Full contact information can be found within the portal link.
The positions are immediately available pending formal administrative approval.
Our research focuses on dynamic processes in cells and cellular components. Since most of these processes take place on the micro- and nanometerscales, there is a need for observation and manipulation methods on exactly these length scales. To achieve our aim of imaging the dynamics of biological matter in real-time and in situ, we combine specifically tailored micro- and nanopatterned surfaces and state-of-the-art microfluidics, which mimic physiological conditions, with newly developed high-resolution optical and x-ray imaging methods. In particular, we seek Ph.D. candidates who are interested in
a) In vitro single filament dynamics and network assembly of intermediate filaments,
b) Intermediate filament dynamics in live cells, or
c) Force transduction in blood cells.
For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Köster (see below).
Candidates should have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or a related field. A Diplom, Masters or equivalent degree is required. In addition to experimental experience, candidates should have excellent communication and team-working skills, be committed to the topic and to working in a dedicated interdisciplinary environment. International applicants are welcome. The University of Göttingen seeks to increase the participation of women in areas in which they are currently underrepresented and therefore explicitly urges women to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.
We offer two-year Ph.D. positions with the possibility of extension to three years. Salary is based on the German TV-L system, level 13 (half time).
Göttingen is a quaint and traditional German university town with an international student-based community. The Courant Research Centre is one of five interdisciplinary research centres ( recently established by the University of Göttingen as part of its institutional strategy Tradition Innovation Autonomy. The Centre offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities and an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.
Candidates should upload a curriculum vita, a statement of research interests and a list of publications (if available) via the online form located at Applications received before November 15, 2008 will receive full consideration. Candidates should also arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly by email to Dr. Sarah Köster (sarah.koester[ at ] Full contact information can be found within the portal link.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Canada: PhD Studentship in Cell Biology, Centre de Recherche Universite’ Laval Robert Giffard (CRULRG), Quebec City,
Description : Applications are invited for the post of PhD student to work on a project based at the Mitochondria Biology Laboratory, Centre de Recherche Universite’ Laval Robert Giffard (CRULRG), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. The mission of this laboratory is to further understand the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and to train quality students that are interested in pursuing a successful career in science. An highly motivated student with outstanding education record is welcomed to investigate the role of rhomboid proteases in the regulation of mitochondrial activities. The project will include generation and maintenance of mutant and transgenic ES cell lines, DNA and RNA purification, northern, southern, and western blotting, protein biochemistry, immunocytochemistry, loss-and gain-of-function mutant analysis as well as characterization of behavioral phenotypes of genetically modified mice. Broad genetic, biochemical and molecular biology laboratory knowledge are essential. Candidates will be expected to hold a MSc or equivalent diploma. This three year CIHR-funded position is available from spring 2009. Starting salary will be $20,000 (CAD), which is sufficient to cover basic living costs in Quebec City and PhD tuition fees at Universite’ Laval.
To obtain further information about the lab and how to apply for this position, please visit
Contact :
Luca Pellegrini, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Psychiatry Universite’ Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Email : pellelab[ at ]
To obtain further information about the lab and how to apply for this position, please visit
Contact :
Luca Pellegrini, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Psychiatry Universite’ Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Email : pellelab[ at ]
Saturday, October 25, 2008
USA: Postdoc Position in Molecular Biology and Immunology, University of Texas Health Science Center
The Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at the UT Health Science Centeris is now one of the NCI-designated Cancer Centers.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with good knowledge and great interest in cellular & molecular biology and immunology. The laboratory functions as an integrated translational research program with the goal of designing and developing new immunotherapies and immunologic strategies for cancer treatment and prevention. The project is focused on effector and regulatory molecules controlling cancer specific lymphocytes before and during immunotherapy, especially studying a negative immunoregulatory mechanism used for immune evasion in tumor microenvironment.
Ongoing studies involve (1) analysis and utilization of both characterized and newly found costimulatory molecules from the perspective of cancer immunology; (2) molecular and cellular characterization of lymphocyte-tumor cell-stromal cell interactions; (3) the discovery of antigenic determinants expressed in tumor stromal cells as novel targets; (4) the development of new animal models that can be employed in preclinical studies to most reflect human clinical trials. Although most of the studies focus on the discovery of new principles through mouse-based work, there may be potential for translating discoveries into the clinic. There also have an opportunity to gain knowledge of infection immunology by interacting with the infection research group in the center.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree in immunology or molecular biology. Applicants with animal handling and/or tumor immunology experience are preferred. The position is available immediately. Appointment duration is up to 3 years. Stipends are commensurate with education and experience.
Please lease send CV, copies of publications, and names of three references to:
Bin Zhang M.D. Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine Hematology & Medical Oncology
Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC)
University of Texas Health Science Center
2040 Babcock, Suite 201
San Antonio, TX 78229
Email: Zhangb3[ at ]
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with good knowledge and great interest in cellular & molecular biology and immunology. The laboratory functions as an integrated translational research program with the goal of designing and developing new immunotherapies and immunologic strategies for cancer treatment and prevention. The project is focused on effector and regulatory molecules controlling cancer specific lymphocytes before and during immunotherapy, especially studying a negative immunoregulatory mechanism used for immune evasion in tumor microenvironment.
Ongoing studies involve (1) analysis and utilization of both characterized and newly found costimulatory molecules from the perspective of cancer immunology; (2) molecular and cellular characterization of lymphocyte-tumor cell-stromal cell interactions; (3) the discovery of antigenic determinants expressed in tumor stromal cells as novel targets; (4) the development of new animal models that can be employed in preclinical studies to most reflect human clinical trials. Although most of the studies focus on the discovery of new principles through mouse-based work, there may be potential for translating discoveries into the clinic. There also have an opportunity to gain knowledge of infection immunology by interacting with the infection research group in the center.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree in immunology or molecular biology. Applicants with animal handling and/or tumor immunology experience are preferred. The position is available immediately. Appointment duration is up to 3 years. Stipends are commensurate with education and experience.
Please lease send CV, copies of publications, and names of three references to:
Bin Zhang M.D. Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine Hematology & Medical Oncology
Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC)
University of Texas Health Science Center
2040 Babcock, Suite 201
San Antonio, TX 78229
Email: Zhangb3[ at ]
Friday, October 24, 2008
Denmark: PhD Fellowship in mRNP Biogenesis and Metabolism, Danish National Research Foundation
A PhD position is available at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for mRNP Biogenesis and Metabolism ( at the Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University. We are looking for a candidate who is interested in investigating the role of pervasive transcription and the function of non-coding RNA as well as the molecular communication between transcription, mRNA processing/packaging and quality control in yeast or human cells.
Candidates trained in genetics, biochemistry and/or cell biology are encouraged to apply
How to apply
To apply submit CV and 3 references to Torben Heick Jensen thj[ at ]
Candidates trained in genetics, biochemistry and/or cell biology are encouraged to apply
How to apply
To apply submit CV and 3 references to Torben Heick Jensen thj[ at ]
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sweden: PhD Fellowship in Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg
Pharmaceuticals are thought to reach the aquatic environment primarily via sewage effluents, where for example estrogens can feminize fish. Low levels of antibiotics in normal treated sewage effluents are not believed affect microorganisms. However, we recently showed that treated effluent from 90 production sites in India contains extremely high, toxic levels of antibiotics, with ciprofloxacin up to 1 million times the levels normally found in sewage effluents. We will start to address the environmental impact of the release of pharmaceuticals at this centre for the global bulk-drug market. This will also include the impact on species diversity and resistance development of bacterial communities. The project will also address different possibilities of how the situation can be improved. We believe the project will provide new knowledge on antibiotic pollution and the subsequent development of resistance, of urgent importance for improving regulatory standards for production units world-wide. The project will be performed in collaboration with several other research groups, both in Sweden and India.
The project is part of the multidisciplinary graduate school Miljö och Hälsa (Environment and Health) coordinated by Centre for Environment and Sustainability at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. Terms of employment: two years of utbildningsbidrag and two years of doktorandanställning is guaranteed as PhD student.
Desired background: experience in molecular biology, physiology, microbiology and toxicology as well as documented laboratory skills.
For more information about the project, please contact main supervisor Joakim Larsson, joakim.larsson[ at ], tel +46 31 786 35 89;
The project is part of the multidisciplinary graduate school Miljö och Hälsa (Environment and Health) coordinated by Centre for Environment and Sustainability at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. Terms of employment: two years of utbildningsbidrag and two years of doktorandanställning is guaranteed as PhD student.
Desired background: experience in molecular biology, physiology, microbiology and toxicology as well as documented laboratory skills.
For more information about the project, please contact main supervisor Joakim Larsson, joakim.larsson[ at ], tel +46 31 786 35 89;
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Australia: High-Value PhD Scholarships in Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
High-Value PhD Scholarships in Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
High-Value PhD Scholarships in Software Engineering
(Service Oriented Architecture)
Victoria, Australia
The Centre for Complex Software Systems and Services (CS3) at Swinburne is successful in securing funding for a number of PhD scholarships in the area of service oriented architecture. The area of research will be context-aware service oriented systems, adaptive service delivery, or service aggregation. We are looking for high-calibre PhD candidates to take up these scholarships.
Each scholarship offers the following benefits:
a) Stipend scholarship: up to A$28,000 pa
b) Tuition waiver scholarship (ie, tuition fees are waived, equivalent to A$20,000 pa);
c) Research support: up to A$24,000 (for conference travel and other purposes);
d) Relocation support.
The candidates are expected to have a good four-year undergraduate degree in software engineering, computer science or a related area, preferably with relevant research experience (eg through research thesis work). Both Australian and international residents are eligible to apply, but evidence of English proficiency is required. Detailed project description and requirements can be found at this link.
Candidates who are interested in pursuing PhD studies in the areas of services engineering and management, adaptive software systems, and software architecture design are encouraged to apply for the above scholarships.
To register your interest, please contact Prof Jun Han (jhan[ at ] by 10 October 2008 with your area of interest, and provide your curriculum vitae and university transcripts.
Application deadline: 31 October 2008.
Information pages:
High-Value PhD Scholarships in Software Engineering
(Service Oriented Architecture)
Victoria, Australia
The Centre for Complex Software Systems and Services (CS3) at Swinburne is successful in securing funding for a number of PhD scholarships in the area of service oriented architecture. The area of research will be context-aware service oriented systems, adaptive service delivery, or service aggregation. We are looking for high-calibre PhD candidates to take up these scholarships.
Each scholarship offers the following benefits:
a) Stipend scholarship: up to A$28,000 pa
b) Tuition waiver scholarship (ie, tuition fees are waived, equivalent to A$20,000 pa);
c) Research support: up to A$24,000 (for conference travel and other purposes);
d) Relocation support.
The candidates are expected to have a good four-year undergraduate degree in software engineering, computer science or a related area, preferably with relevant research experience (eg through research thesis work). Both Australian and international residents are eligible to apply, but evidence of English proficiency is required. Detailed project description and requirements can be found at this link.
Candidates who are interested in pursuing PhD studies in the areas of services engineering and management, adaptive software systems, and software architecture design are encouraged to apply for the above scholarships.
To register your interest, please contact Prof Jun Han (jhan[ at ] by 10 October 2008 with your area of interest, and provide your curriculum vitae and university transcripts.
Application deadline: 31 October 2008.
Information pages:
Norway: Funded PhD Positions in the Area of Middleware for Adaptation and Fault-tolerance, University of Oslo
Funded PhD positions in the area of middleware for adaptation and fault-tolerance, University of Oslo
The group of Networks and Distributed systems at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
is announcing two PhD scholarships in the area of middleware for adaptivity and fault-tolerance.
The positions are in the framework of the VERDIONE project. VERDIONE targets cooperative multimedia applications that blend virtual elements into the real world. VERDIONE will develop a platform that allows people who are distributed around the globe to interact with each other as though they were co-located. This is a joint project between several Norwegian partners including the University of Oslo, Simula Research Laboratory, University of Tromsø, University College Tromsø, Telenor R&I and LIVIDI. Through the World Opera Consortium, the project will also imply cooperation with several top-ranked international partners, such as Stanford University, McGill University, New York University and the main opera houses in New York (The Met), Montreal, San Francisco, Malmø, Copenhangen, Stockholm, and Milano.
The objective for the announced positions is to explore solutions for providing adaptivity and fault-tolerance for VERDIONE.
A PhD position is a regular job with social benefits and with salary starting from 353.000 NOK per year.
The currently open positions are for three years with a possibility to apply for extending the time period to 4 years. A 4 year position means that 25% of the time will be for duties beyond the normal research and project work, such as teaching and supervision of master students.
The University of Oslo is Norway’s largest and oldest institution of higher education. Founded in 1811, today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize winners and two Turing award recipients indicate the quality of the research at the University in general and at the Department of Informatics in particular.
The country, also known for its unique scenic beauty, has been ranked by the UN as having the highest standard of living in the world. Oslo is considered one of the sunniest places in Northern Europe, with summer temperatures averaging 21 degrees Celsius.
Applicants must have a very good degree in Computing Science or a related field. They must also demonstrate evidence of significant research potential. Strong background in distributed computing will
be considered an advantage.
It is possible to apply if you have not yet completed your degree but expect to do so before a position starts.
University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are welcome to apply.
Knowledge of Norwegian is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. The current PhD students and postdocs in our group are coming from over 5 countries.
Full version of this announcement including detailed information about the projects, positions, and application procedures can be found using the following links:
2 Ph.D Research Fellowships
Networks and Distributed systems (ND)
Opportunities at Networks and Distributed systems (ND)
Inquiries for additional information should be sent to Professor Frank Eliassen, frank[ at ], or
Associate professor Roman Vitenberg, romanvi[ at ], or Head of administration Narve Trædal, narvet[ at ]
The group of Networks and Distributed systems at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
is announcing two PhD scholarships in the area of middleware for adaptivity and fault-tolerance.
The positions are in the framework of the VERDIONE project. VERDIONE targets cooperative multimedia applications that blend virtual elements into the real world. VERDIONE will develop a platform that allows people who are distributed around the globe to interact with each other as though they were co-located. This is a joint project between several Norwegian partners including the University of Oslo, Simula Research Laboratory, University of Tromsø, University College Tromsø, Telenor R&I and LIVIDI. Through the World Opera Consortium, the project will also imply cooperation with several top-ranked international partners, such as Stanford University, McGill University, New York University and the main opera houses in New York (The Met), Montreal, San Francisco, Malmø, Copenhangen, Stockholm, and Milano.
The objective for the announced positions is to explore solutions for providing adaptivity and fault-tolerance for VERDIONE.
A PhD position is a regular job with social benefits and with salary starting from 353.000 NOK per year.
The currently open positions are for three years with a possibility to apply for extending the time period to 4 years. A 4 year position means that 25% of the time will be for duties beyond the normal research and project work, such as teaching and supervision of master students.
The University of Oslo is Norway’s largest and oldest institution of higher education. Founded in 1811, today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize winners and two Turing award recipients indicate the quality of the research at the University in general and at the Department of Informatics in particular.
The country, also known for its unique scenic beauty, has been ranked by the UN as having the highest standard of living in the world. Oslo is considered one of the sunniest places in Northern Europe, with summer temperatures averaging 21 degrees Celsius.
Applicants must have a very good degree in Computing Science or a related field. They must also demonstrate evidence of significant research potential. Strong background in distributed computing will
be considered an advantage.
It is possible to apply if you have not yet completed your degree but expect to do so before a position starts.
University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are welcome to apply.
Knowledge of Norwegian is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. The current PhD students and postdocs in our group are coming from over 5 countries.
Full version of this announcement including detailed information about the projects, positions, and application procedures can be found using the following links:
2 Ph.D Research Fellowships
Networks and Distributed systems (ND)
Opportunities at Networks and Distributed systems (ND)
Inquiries for additional information should be sent to Professor Frank Eliassen, frank[ at ], or
Associate professor Roman Vitenberg, romanvi[ at ], or Head of administration Narve Trædal, narvet[ at ]
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Research Positions in the Natural Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, the University of Konstanz, Germany
The University of Konstanz is one of the nine Universities of Excellence in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. It forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between distinguished researchers in Germany and abroad, and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third-party funding.
We are offering
5 Research Positions (up to Salary Scale 14 or 15 TV-L)
ranked according to the applicant’s personal level of qualification, assigned duties and responsibilities for the development and implementation of individual research projects / research groups. The initial appointments will commence on April 1st, 2009 and will end on September 30th, 2010.
For further information please visit our homepage: .
Applicants should send their application form - including the reference number 2008 / 202 - (see ), their project outline (maximum length 6 pages), a letter of motivation (one page), application documents (curriculum vitae, publication list, relevant degree certificates) and a reading excerpt (maximum length 30 pages) as a PDF file to: zukunftskolleg[ at ] .
Deadline: November 30th, 2008
The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. It forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between distinguished researchers in Germany and abroad, and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third-party funding.
We are offering
5 Research Positions (up to Salary Scale 14 or 15 TV-L)
ranked according to the applicant’s personal level of qualification, assigned duties and responsibilities for the development and implementation of individual research projects / research groups. The initial appointments will commence on April 1st, 2009 and will end on September 30th, 2010.
For further information please visit our homepage: .
Applicants should send their application form - including the reference number 2008 / 202 - (see ), their project outline (maximum length 6 pages), a letter of motivation (one page), application documents (curriculum vitae, publication list, relevant degree certificates) and a reading excerpt (maximum length 30 pages) as a PDF file to: zukunftskolleg[ at ] .
Deadline: November 30th, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Zealand: MSc Scholarship at Victoria University
Te Papa MSc Scholarship in Molecular Systematics at Victoria University
Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington are offering a Master of Science (MSc) scholarship in the field of molecular systematics at Victoria University. The purpose of the award is to promote research between Te Papa and Victoria University in the area of molecular systematics, ecology and evolution.
An MSc degree at Victoria University is undertaken over two years (Parts 1 and 2) and involves four courses worth equal marks, plus a research thesis worth 60% of the total. The Te Papa-VUW scholarship provides the successful applicant with a student stipend of $4000 in part 1 (2009) and $6000 in part 2 (2010). The project offered in 2009-2010 will be a molecular systematic investigation of the New Zealand species of Pseudopanax (Araliaceae) or Gleichenia (Gleicheniaceae), or another
project to be determined. The thesis research will involve the DNA sequencing of chloroplast and nuclear genes, with complementary morphological analyses, and will address phylogenetic questions such as the relationships between species and generic boundaries, as well as issues of biogeography and species-delimitation. The ideal applicant will have completed a BSc degree and have an interest in New Zealand plants and molecular phylogenetic techniques.
For more information about the thesis project or studying towards an MSc degree at Victoria University contact: Dr Leon Perrie (e-mail: leonp[at] ), Dr Heidi Meudt
(e-mail: heidim[at], or Dr Peter Ritchie (e-mail: Peter.Ritchie[at]
For information about the School of Biological Sciences and a copy of the post-graduate prospectus visit
Applications are lodged through the Scholarships Office, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand.
E-mail: Scholarships-Office[at]
Tel +64-4-463 5113/5557
Visit the web site for an application form and instructions:
Applications close on 1 November 2008
Selection will be based on academic merit and short listed applicants may be required to participate in a telephone interview.
Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington are offering a Master of Science (MSc) scholarship in the field of molecular systematics at Victoria University. The purpose of the award is to promote research between Te Papa and Victoria University in the area of molecular systematics, ecology and evolution.
An MSc degree at Victoria University is undertaken over two years (Parts 1 and 2) and involves four courses worth equal marks, plus a research thesis worth 60% of the total. The Te Papa-VUW scholarship provides the successful applicant with a student stipend of $4000 in part 1 (2009) and $6000 in part 2 (2010). The project offered in 2009-2010 will be a molecular systematic investigation of the New Zealand species of Pseudopanax (Araliaceae) or Gleichenia (Gleicheniaceae), or another
project to be determined. The thesis research will involve the DNA sequencing of chloroplast and nuclear genes, with complementary morphological analyses, and will address phylogenetic questions such as the relationships between species and generic boundaries, as well as issues of biogeography and species-delimitation. The ideal applicant will have completed a BSc degree and have an interest in New Zealand plants and molecular phylogenetic techniques.
For more information about the thesis project or studying towards an MSc degree at Victoria University contact: Dr Leon Perrie (e-mail: leonp[at] ), Dr Heidi Meudt
(e-mail: heidim[at], or Dr Peter Ritchie (e-mail: Peter.Ritchie[at]
For information about the School of Biological Sciences and a copy of the post-graduate prospectus visit
Applications are lodged through the Scholarships Office, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand.
E-mail: Scholarships-Office[at]
Tel +64-4-463 5113/5557
Visit the web site for an application form and instructions:
Applications close on 1 November 2008
Selection will be based on academic merit and short listed applicants may be required to participate in a telephone interview.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Canada: Health Canada, Ottawa: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Endocrine Toxicology
A postdoctoral research position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Wade in the Environmental Health Science & Research Bureau of Health Canada at Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa. The research focuses on the influence of exposures to anthropogenic substances on hormonal signalling and the consequent effects on development. There is particular interest in the role of thyroid hormone receptors and cell surface estrogen receptors in mediating the adverse developmental effects of such substances. A description of the laboratory and a list of recent publications are located here.
Candidates with experience in molecular biology and cell biology techniques are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. and experience performing molecular biology techniques such as real time RT PCR, Western blots, cell transfection, reporter gene assays, microarray analyses, ChIP, and/or immunofluorescence. Applicants must have experience in three or more of these in order to be considered.
Salaries are at the current NSERC Visiting Scientist Rate (Can$43,724 per year) and the term is for one year with possible renewable for up to two further years.
Send curriculum vitae, statement of research interest, and names and contact information of at least two references. Applicants should also be registered with the NSERC Visiting Fellowships in Government Laboratories Program (
The deadline for submitting applications is Oct 31, 2008 or until the position is filled. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.
Applications should be sent via email to: Mike_Wade[ at ]
Candidates with experience in molecular biology and cell biology techniques are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. and experience performing molecular biology techniques such as real time RT PCR, Western blots, cell transfection, reporter gene assays, microarray analyses, ChIP, and/or immunofluorescence. Applicants must have experience in three or more of these in order to be considered.
Salaries are at the current NSERC Visiting Scientist Rate (Can$43,724 per year) and the term is for one year with possible renewable for up to two further years.
Send curriculum vitae, statement of research interest, and names and contact information of at least two references. Applicants should also be registered with the NSERC Visiting Fellowships in Government Laboratories Program (
The deadline for submitting applications is Oct 31, 2008 or until the position is filled. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.
Applications should be sent via email to: Mike_Wade[ at ]
Saturday, October 18, 2008
USA: Postdoctoral Fellow in Visual Neuroscience, Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow in Visual Neuroscience
Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA, USA
The laboratory of Jay Hegdé at the Brain Discovery Institute at the Medical College of Georgia has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher.
We study the neural mechanisms of visual perception as statistical (Bayesian) inference. We use a variety of research methods, including multiunit recordings in awake, behaving monkeys, fMRI in humans and monkeys, psychophysics and computational modeling. Strongly motivated, self-driven individuals with prior experience in at least one of these fields and the desire to gain expertise in one or more of the others are especially encouraged to apply.
The laboratory is one of several highly collegial and interactive groups at the Brain Discovery Institute. The Institute is an exciting new center for systems neuroscience, with plans for rapid expansion in the immediate future. Medical College of Georgia has strong research programs in other neuroscientific disciplines, including molecular, cellular and developmental neuroscience, and a variety of related clinical disciplines. Opportunities for research collaborations also exist at the adjacent VA Hospital.
Augusta, the second largest city in Georgia, is renowned internationally for its annual Masters golf tournament. Known as the ‘Garden City’, Augusta features picturesque neighborhoods, low cost of living, and plenty of cultural and recreational opportunities. Larger metropolitan areas such as Atlanta and Columbia, SC are within two hours’ drive, as are many scenic destinations, including the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Atlantic coast.
To apply, please send (i) curriculum vitae and (ii) a cover letter describing research accomplishments and interests, and have two letters of recommendation sent to Jay Hegdé at the address below, preferably as email attachments. In addition, please apply online at for position #8827. For informal inquiries, or to set up an appointment at the upcoming Society for Neuroscience meeting, please send an email.
Medical College of Georgia is an AA/EEO/Equal Access/ADA Employer.
Contact Information:
Jay Hegdé, PhD
Brain Discovery Institute
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA, USA
Email: jhegde[ at ]
Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA, USA
The laboratory of Jay Hegdé at the Brain Discovery Institute at the Medical College of Georgia has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher.
We study the neural mechanisms of visual perception as statistical (Bayesian) inference. We use a variety of research methods, including multiunit recordings in awake, behaving monkeys, fMRI in humans and monkeys, psychophysics and computational modeling. Strongly motivated, self-driven individuals with prior experience in at least one of these fields and the desire to gain expertise in one or more of the others are especially encouraged to apply.
The laboratory is one of several highly collegial and interactive groups at the Brain Discovery Institute. The Institute is an exciting new center for systems neuroscience, with plans for rapid expansion in the immediate future. Medical College of Georgia has strong research programs in other neuroscientific disciplines, including molecular, cellular and developmental neuroscience, and a variety of related clinical disciplines. Opportunities for research collaborations also exist at the adjacent VA Hospital.
Augusta, the second largest city in Georgia, is renowned internationally for its annual Masters golf tournament. Known as the ‘Garden City’, Augusta features picturesque neighborhoods, low cost of living, and plenty of cultural and recreational opportunities. Larger metropolitan areas such as Atlanta and Columbia, SC are within two hours’ drive, as are many scenic destinations, including the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Atlantic coast.
To apply, please send (i) curriculum vitae and (ii) a cover letter describing research accomplishments and interests, and have two letters of recommendation sent to Jay Hegdé at the address below, preferably as email attachments. In addition, please apply online at for position #8827. For informal inquiries, or to set up an appointment at the upcoming Society for Neuroscience meeting, please send an email.
Medical College of Georgia is an AA/EEO/Equal Access/ADA Employer.
Contact Information:
Jay Hegdé, PhD
Brain Discovery Institute
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA, USA
Email: jhegde[ at ]
Friday, October 17, 2008
Australia: PhD Scholarship in DNA-Directed Nanofabrication, Monash University
PhD Scholarship - DNA-Directed Nanofabrication - Melbourne - Australia (Clayton (Melbourne) Australia): Our team at Monash University is developing new nanofabrication concepts in collaboration with the Molecular Foundry based at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories.
Current micro and nanofabrication methods (e.g. silicon chip production) are based on top-down approaches using photolithographic methods. Alternatively devices can be assembled through bottom-up approaches using nanoscale building blocks of metals, semiconductors and insulators. Our group aims to develop methods that rely on molecular self-recognition to direct the assembly of nanoparticle building blocks into desired nanostructures. Short synthetic strands of DNA selectively bind to their complementary counterparts through Watson-Crick base-pairing. We will use this highly selective recognition behaviour to direct the assembly of particles to larger functional structures with unique optical, electrical and mechanical properties (plasmonics, solar cells).
The project described above is hosted by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES, based at Monash University (
Monash University is Australia’s largest university with over 55,000 students on 8 campuses. It was ranked number 33 by the ‘Times Higher Education Supplement’ in its annual ranking of the world’s top 200 universities in 2005. Monash has the leading School of Chemistry in Australia. Our Clayton campus is located in immediate proximity to Australia’s first synchrotron and the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication that will open its doors in 2009.
The doctoral degree at Monash University is a ‘research only’ degree with a 3 year duration.
For further Information about PhD Program
Current micro and nanofabrication methods (e.g. silicon chip production) are based on top-down approaches using photolithographic methods. Alternatively devices can be assembled through bottom-up approaches using nanoscale building blocks of metals, semiconductors and insulators. Our group aims to develop methods that rely on molecular self-recognition to direct the assembly of nanoparticle building blocks into desired nanostructures. Short synthetic strands of DNA selectively bind to their complementary counterparts through Watson-Crick base-pairing. We will use this highly selective recognition behaviour to direct the assembly of particles to larger functional structures with unique optical, electrical and mechanical properties (plasmonics, solar cells).
The project described above is hosted by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES, based at Monash University (
Monash University is Australia’s largest university with over 55,000 students on 8 campuses. It was ranked number 33 by the ‘Times Higher Education Supplement’ in its annual ranking of the world’s top 200 universities in 2005. Monash has the leading School of Chemistry in Australia. Our Clayton campus is located in immediate proximity to Australia’s first synchrotron and the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication that will open its doors in 2009.
The doctoral degree at Monash University is a ‘research only’ degree with a 3 year duration.
For further Information about PhD Program
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Italy: Post-Doctoral Position in Protein Physics, Universities of Venice and Padua
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
Applications are invited for a one- (renewable up to two-) year postdoctoral position in Protein Physics starting within December 2008.
The position is a joint appointment between Universities of Venice and Padua within a project headed by Prof. Amos Maritan.
Ideal candidates for this position hold a Ph.D. in a field related to Soft Matter, good theoretical background and strong computer skills.
Salary will be at the level of the first permanent position on the Italian scale (”Ricercatore”) ( about 1,500 Euros monthly net salary).
Interested candidates should send an updated CV and have three recommendation letters sent to the addresses reported below.
Amos Maritan
University of Padova,
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Physics G. Galilei,
Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy
Tel. +39 049 827 7175; Fax +39 049 827 7116
Applications are invited for a one- (renewable up to two-) year postdoctoral position in Protein Physics starting within December 2008.
The position is a joint appointment between Universities of Venice and Padua within a project headed by Prof. Amos Maritan.
Ideal candidates for this position hold a Ph.D. in a field related to Soft Matter, good theoretical background and strong computer skills.
Salary will be at the level of the first permanent position on the Italian scale (”Ricercatore”) ( about 1,500 Euros monthly net salary).
Interested candidates should send an updated CV and have three recommendation letters sent to the addresses reported below.
Amos Maritan
University of Padova,
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Physics G. Galilei,
Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy
Tel. +39 049 827 7175; Fax +39 049 827 7116
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Norway: Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mathematics, University of Oslo
Norway: Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mathematics, University of Oslo
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway
University of Oslo
Doctoral Research Fellowship (stipendiat/PhD)
Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division
Position as Doctoral Research Fellowship (Stipendiat/PhD)
available at Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division.
Employment up to 3 years without teaching duties.
The position pertains to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division.
The position is connected with the Multiphase Flow Assurance Centre (FACE), with the objective to deliver world class applied and fundamental research and education focused on production, transportation and separation of complex well fluids.
The PhD project concerns detailed velocity/turbulence measurements of particles in single-phase and stratified two-phase flow. Applicants should have background in fluid mechanics, turbulence theory and it is an advantage with background in experimental methods in fluid mechanics.
Information about the Department of Mathematics and the Mechanics Division can be found on our web pages
The successful candidate must have a university education corresponding to a master degree. Admission to the doctoral programme is a prerequisite for employment as research fellow. Final plan for research training shall be approved no later than 3-three months after employment. An orientation about Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences can be found on this link.
The application must include complete information about the applicants education (undergraduate and graduate level) and other relevant activities and work experience. Consult also the current guidelines for employment in fellowship positions at the University of Oslo.
The University of Oslo wishes to achieve a more equal distribution of scientific employees between the genders. Female applicants are encouraged to apply (”Section 10 of SDA, 1975″ - employment wholly outside of Great Britain).
UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.
For further information: Associate professor Atle Jensen, tlf 22 85 58 41, email: atlej[ at ]
Salary level (Lønnstrinn): 45-51 (NOK 353 000 - 391 500) (depending on competence/experience).
REF. NR.: 2008/17494
Application deadline: 16 October 2008
According to current guidelines, time employed as research fellow or in other recruitment positions may be deducted from the time of employment.
The application, marked with the reference number 2008/17494, should be sent together with CV, grade transcripts, letters of recommendations and list of publications and unpublished works to:
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciencesv/Senior executive officer Grete AndresenPostboks 1032, BlindernNO-0316 Oslo, Norway.
Application and CV can be sent by email to: grete.andresen[ at ]
Application documents are usually not returned
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway
University of Oslo
Doctoral Research Fellowship (stipendiat/PhD)
Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division
Position as Doctoral Research Fellowship (Stipendiat/PhD)
available at Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division.
Employment up to 3 years without teaching duties.
The position pertains to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division.
The position is connected with the Multiphase Flow Assurance Centre (FACE), with the objective to deliver world class applied and fundamental research and education focused on production, transportation and separation of complex well fluids.
The PhD project concerns detailed velocity/turbulence measurements of particles in single-phase and stratified two-phase flow. Applicants should have background in fluid mechanics, turbulence theory and it is an advantage with background in experimental methods in fluid mechanics.
Information about the Department of Mathematics and the Mechanics Division can be found on our web pages
The successful candidate must have a university education corresponding to a master degree. Admission to the doctoral programme is a prerequisite for employment as research fellow. Final plan for research training shall be approved no later than 3-three months after employment. An orientation about Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences can be found on this link.
The application must include complete information about the applicants education (undergraduate and graduate level) and other relevant activities and work experience. Consult also the current guidelines for employment in fellowship positions at the University of Oslo.
The University of Oslo wishes to achieve a more equal distribution of scientific employees between the genders. Female applicants are encouraged to apply (”Section 10 of SDA, 1975″ - employment wholly outside of Great Britain).
UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.
For further information: Associate professor Atle Jensen, tlf 22 85 58 41, email: atlej[ at ]
Salary level (Lønnstrinn): 45-51 (NOK 353 000 - 391 500) (depending on competence/experience).
REF. NR.: 2008/17494
Application deadline: 16 October 2008
According to current guidelines, time employed as research fellow or in other recruitment positions may be deducted from the time of employment.
The application, marked with the reference number 2008/17494, should be sent together with CV, grade transcripts, letters of recommendations and list of publications and unpublished works to:
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciencesv/Senior executive officer Grete AndresenPostboks 1032, BlindernNO-0316 Oslo, Norway.
Application and CV can be sent by email to: grete.andresen[ at ]
Application documents are usually not returned
Ireland: PhD Studentship in in Environmental Microbial Genomics, University College Dublin
A PhD studentship is available within the School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin ( The project will focus on the isolation of novel anti-phytopathogenic agents from soil microbes using functional metagenomics. The student and a postdoctoral scientist will create and screen a soil metagenome library and assess the ability of clones within this library to suppress the growth of several well characterised phytopathogenic fungi. The candidate will preferably have good molecular biology skills and will be joining the UCD Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions group. This group use functional genomics, cell biology, proteomic, and screening techniques to identify antifungal organisms and characterise their antifungal activity. The Project is part of a collaboration involving the research groups of Dr Fiona Doohan from the School of Biology & Environmental Science at University College Dublin, Prof. Alan Dobson from the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork and Dr Julian Marchesi from the School of Biosciences, at Cardiff University, in Wales. The postdoctoral scientist will be located at the ERI and it is anticipated that the PhD student will also spend a period of time at the ERI; the ERI are currently using metagenomic methods in a variety of environmental settings to explore the potential of microbial communities to provide novel products and products with biotechnological applications.
The Project is funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture & Food through the Research Stimulus Fund Programme.
This is a three year PhD studentship, and it provides annual funding of €21,000 - €25,000 (to cover both fees and stipend). Please send a current CV and cover letter, together with the names of 2 academic referees to Dr. Fiona Doohan, School of Biology and Environmental Science, College of Life Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: +353-1-7162248, email fiona.doohan[ at ]
The closing date for receipt of applications is October 22nd, 2008.
The Project is funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture & Food through the Research Stimulus Fund Programme.
This is a three year PhD studentship, and it provides annual funding of €21,000 - €25,000 (to cover both fees and stipend). Please send a current CV and cover letter, together with the names of 2 academic referees to Dr. Fiona Doohan, School of Biology and Environmental Science, College of Life Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: +353-1-7162248, email fiona.doohan[ at ]
The closing date for receipt of applications is October 22nd, 2008.
Italy: PhD Program in Economics, Markets, Institutions, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
IMT Distinctive Features
IMT is an Institute for Advanced Studies that aims to push the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. PhD Programs are taught exclusively in English.
Research and PhD Programs focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering.
IMT attracts bright students, young researchers and professors through competitive, transparent procedures at an international level.
The campus system and residential services provided by the Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research (FLAFR) create a vibrant, close-knit intellectual community.
Program description
With its interdisciplinary (theoretical, quantitative and institutional) approach, the program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, and the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomic impact on the functioning of markets, as well as on productivity and growth.
A distinctive character of the PhD program is the strong integration of theoretical, technical and practical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy.
Theoretical methodologies and models will therefore tested through the methodical/systematic investigation of actual cases. At the end of the program, students will be able to catch commonalities as well as distinctive characters of the several markets, in reference to economic laws, market regulations, contractual, managing and organizational solutions.
15 positions and scholarships:
15 students: no tuition fees + free access to IMT Canteen
8 students: full grants (annual grant amounts +/- 13.638,00 Euros gross) €
Up to 3 INPDAP additional grants
8 students: free accommodation
7 students (only for students without scholarship): Research Money
PhD Courses are held in English.
Applicants must fill out the online application form and attach the required documents as described on the website.
DEADLINE: December 5th, 2008
Undergraduate students can apply if they obtain their degree before December 24, 2008.
Further information can be found on the school’s website or can be provided by the PhD Office: Phone: +39 0583 4339561; e-mail: phdapplications[ at ]
IMT is an Institute for Advanced Studies that aims to push the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. PhD Programs are taught exclusively in English.
Research and PhD Programs focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering.
IMT attracts bright students, young researchers and professors through competitive, transparent procedures at an international level.
The campus system and residential services provided by the Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research (FLAFR) create a vibrant, close-knit intellectual community.
Program description
With its interdisciplinary (theoretical, quantitative and institutional) approach, the program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, and the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomic impact on the functioning of markets, as well as on productivity and growth.
A distinctive character of the PhD program is the strong integration of theoretical, technical and practical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy.
Theoretical methodologies and models will therefore tested through the methodical/systematic investigation of actual cases. At the end of the program, students will be able to catch commonalities as well as distinctive characters of the several markets, in reference to economic laws, market regulations, contractual, managing and organizational solutions.
15 positions and scholarships:
15 students: no tuition fees + free access to IMT Canteen
8 students: full grants (annual grant amounts +/- 13.638,00 Euros gross) €
Up to 3 INPDAP additional grants
8 students: free accommodation
7 students (only for students without scholarship): Research Money
PhD Courses are held in English.
Applicants must fill out the online application form and attach the required documents as described on the website.
DEADLINE: December 5th, 2008
Undergraduate students can apply if they obtain their degree before December 24, 2008.
Further information can be found on the school’s website or can be provided by the PhD Office: Phone: +39 0583 4339561; e-mail: phdapplications[ at ]
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Spain: Volunteering Opportunities in a Research Group, Project on Social Environment and Cognition
Spain: Volunteering Opportunities in a Research Group, Project on Social Environment and Cognition
Volunteering opportunities!
Work with us Volunteers needed. If you are a student in biology, natural science or veterinary, and would like a work experience in a research group, you may be interested in joining us for a few weeks to help with our captive crows, in our project on social environment and cognition.
Who we are looking for
Motivated, responsible students interested in animal behaviour and birds, and willing to work with us for a minimum of three weeks at any time of the year. They should be at ease working in a group, and reasonably fluent in Spanish, Italian or English. Experience with captive animals is welcome, but it is not strictly needed. Volunteers will participate in the following tasks: interacting with our crows to habituated them to human presence, feeding and caring for them, analysing parasite load, and collecting behavioural data.
What we offer (and where)
Our aviaries and field station are located in a small village of “La Sobarriba”, a rural area 15 km away from the city of León (Spain). Flight connections to León (via Madrid) and Valladolid (via London Stansted or Milan) are available through low-cost flight companies. The surroundings are beautiful and represent a Spanish traditional low intensity agricultural landscape (read more in “study area“) perfect for bird watching. Our field station is in the village of Solanilla (where some members of our group live permanently) at walking distance to the aviaries.
We offer free accommodation in our field station (a house in Solanilla village with 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom with washing machine, and back garden) to students willing to have an experience in our research project.
A certificate of participation will be provided at the end of the stay.
Applications by students who wish to carry out a master thesis with us may also be considered.
How to apply
Send us an email ( info[ at ] ) telling us the motivation of your application, the time you wish to spend in our field station, your complete CV, and a presentation letter from your professor/tutor.
Via: official announcement
Volunteering opportunities!
Work with us Volunteers needed. If you are a student in biology, natural science or veterinary, and would like a work experience in a research group, you may be interested in joining us for a few weeks to help with our captive crows, in our project on social environment and cognition.
Who we are looking for
Motivated, responsible students interested in animal behaviour and birds, and willing to work with us for a minimum of three weeks at any time of the year. They should be at ease working in a group, and reasonably fluent in Spanish, Italian or English. Experience with captive animals is welcome, but it is not strictly needed. Volunteers will participate in the following tasks: interacting with our crows to habituated them to human presence, feeding and caring for them, analysing parasite load, and collecting behavioural data.
What we offer (and where)
Our aviaries and field station are located in a small village of “La Sobarriba”, a rural area 15 km away from the city of León (Spain). Flight connections to León (via Madrid) and Valladolid (via London Stansted or Milan) are available through low-cost flight companies. The surroundings are beautiful and represent a Spanish traditional low intensity agricultural landscape (read more in “study area“) perfect for bird watching. Our field station is in the village of Solanilla (where some members of our group live permanently) at walking distance to the aviaries.
We offer free accommodation in our field station (a house in Solanilla village with 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom with washing machine, and back garden) to students willing to have an experience in our research project.
A certificate of participation will be provided at the end of the stay.
Applications by students who wish to carry out a master thesis with us may also be considered.
How to apply
Send us an email ( info[ at ] ) telling us the motivation of your application, the time you wish to spend in our field station, your complete CV, and a presentation letter from your professor/tutor.
Via: official announcement
Saturday, October 11, 2008
New Zealand: Researcher Position in Economic Modelling, Landcare Research
We are seeking an experienced and motivated Researcher to join our economic modelling team, conducting leading policy-oriented research into environmental and sustainability issues.
If you have a PhD and at least two years post-doctoral experience in resource, environmental, ecological (or other relevant branch) of applied economics, then this exciting and varied role in an interdisciplinary research environment may be for you. You will contribute your recognised expertise in modelling and analysis to a range of research projects. Projects are typically interdisciplinary, and usually involve collaborations with other leading research groups in New Zealand or overseas. You will have opportunities to lead and manage projects, and to develop proposals for new research.
In addition to the required qualifications and experience, we are specifically seeking researchers with strong technical and analytical skills and a track record of research in input-output analysis, partial equilibrium modelling, and/or computable general equilibrium modelling. We welcome applications from international candidates.
Landcare Research is New Zealand’s foremost research institute in the area of sustainable development, with research strengths in ecosystems, rural land use impacts, greenhouse gas & carbon sinks, urban sustainability, biosecurity, and corporate and government contributions to sustainable development. We have around 400 staff, in six principal locations across New Zealand.
You will be a member of Landcare Research’s Built Environments, Sustainability and Society team as well as the New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics (NZCEE). This position is full-time and permanent.
You will be based at our Lincoln office, just 20 minutes away from Christchurch. Christchurch, the garden city of New Zealand, is well-known for its natural and architectural beauty with beautiful 19th century buildings, extensive gardens, and sandy beaches.
Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua strives to be an “employer of choice”. As an employee of Landcare Research, you will enjoy generous employment benefits - including a contribution to superannuation/pension savings and relocation costs if required. Landcare Research is also an Accredited Employer with the New Zealand Immigration Service. If required, assistance with visa requirements will be provided.
For further information please contact James Lennox, Lennoxj[ at ] or phone (03) 3219718. To view the position description and to apply, please visit our website
Applications close Friday, 24 October 2008.
If you have a PhD and at least two years post-doctoral experience in resource, environmental, ecological (or other relevant branch) of applied economics, then this exciting and varied role in an interdisciplinary research environment may be for you. You will contribute your recognised expertise in modelling and analysis to a range of research projects. Projects are typically interdisciplinary, and usually involve collaborations with other leading research groups in New Zealand or overseas. You will have opportunities to lead and manage projects, and to develop proposals for new research.
In addition to the required qualifications and experience, we are specifically seeking researchers with strong technical and analytical skills and a track record of research in input-output analysis, partial equilibrium modelling, and/or computable general equilibrium modelling. We welcome applications from international candidates.
Landcare Research is New Zealand’s foremost research institute in the area of sustainable development, with research strengths in ecosystems, rural land use impacts, greenhouse gas & carbon sinks, urban sustainability, biosecurity, and corporate and government contributions to sustainable development. We have around 400 staff, in six principal locations across New Zealand.
You will be a member of Landcare Research’s Built Environments, Sustainability and Society team as well as the New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics (NZCEE). This position is full-time and permanent.
You will be based at our Lincoln office, just 20 minutes away from Christchurch. Christchurch, the garden city of New Zealand, is well-known for its natural and architectural beauty with beautiful 19th century buildings, extensive gardens, and sandy beaches.
Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua strives to be an “employer of choice”. As an employee of Landcare Research, you will enjoy generous employment benefits - including a contribution to superannuation/pension savings and relocation costs if required. Landcare Research is also an Accredited Employer with the New Zealand Immigration Service. If required, assistance with visa requirements will be provided.
For further information please contact James Lennox, Lennoxj[ at ] or phone (03) 3219718. To view the position description and to apply, please visit our website
Applications close Friday, 24 October 2008.
Friday, October 10, 2008
USA: Postdoctoral Position in Neural Control and Sensorimotor Mechanisms in Stuttering, the University of Connecticut
The Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Connecticut (Project P.I.: Ludo Max, Ph.D.) is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position to study various aspects of the neural systems underlying sensorimotor control of speech movements in individuals who stutter. This NIH-funded project involves both psychophysical and neuroimaging (fMRI) experiments, and the selected candidate will have opportunities to contribute to both lines of work. Facilities in the lab include, among other things, electromagnetic motion tracking for speech articulatory movements as well as for upper limb movements, real-time digital signal processors for auditory perturbations of speech and a Phantom 1.0 robot for mechanical perturbations of the jaw, tendon/muscle vibration, EEG/EP systems, and a virtual display environment for arm motor learning studies.
Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in cognitive/behavioral neuroscience, motor control, biomedical engineering, speech and hearing science, experimental psychology, and related fields are encouraged to apply. Good programming skills (Matlab and C++) are preferred. Candidates should be highly motivated and have an interest in publishing research in the area of speech motor control and stuttering.
The preferred starting date for this position is January 1, 2009. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Applicants are asked to submit (a) a cover letter describing their research experiences, interests, and goals, (b) a curriculum vitae, (c) the names, rank/position, and contact information of three individuals who can serve as references, and (d) reprints of relevant journal publications. For more information, please contact Ludo Max, Ph.D. (e-mail: ludo.max[at]; phone: 860.486.4078). Applications can be submitted to the same e-mail address.
For more information about this research laboratory at the University of Connecticut see
Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in cognitive/behavioral neuroscience, motor control, biomedical engineering, speech and hearing science, experimental psychology, and related fields are encouraged to apply. Good programming skills (Matlab and C++) are preferred. Candidates should be highly motivated and have an interest in publishing research in the area of speech motor control and stuttering.
The preferred starting date for this position is January 1, 2009. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Applicants are asked to submit (a) a cover letter describing their research experiences, interests, and goals, (b) a curriculum vitae, (c) the names, rank/position, and contact information of three individuals who can serve as references, and (d) reprints of relevant journal publications. For more information, please contact Ludo Max, Ph.D. (e-mail: ludo.max[at]; phone: 860.486.4078). Applications can be submitted to the same e-mail address.
For more information about this research laboratory at the University of Connecticut see
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Spain: PhD Scholarship in Sociality and Cognition in Carrion Crows, Valladolid University
Four-year PhD scholarship at Valladolid University to study sociality and cognition in carrion crows
A four-year funded PhD studentship is available at the University of Valladolid to investigate the relationship between sociality and cognition in carrion crows. Recent investigation on different corvid species has revealed surprisingly advanced cognitive abilities that sometimes rival those of non-human primates. In some species the individuals proved to possess the “theory of mind”, that is the ability of attribute mental states and intentions to other individuals, and to modify their own behaviour according to the intentions attributed to others. Sociality is though to be a key factor promoting the evolution of intelligence, which appears to be more advanced in species that live in stable groups. However, the adaptive function of intelligence in these species is not yet clear, as it is not fully known how these cognitive abilities are used in nature, what kind of problems they contribute to solve, and how they influence individual decisions in a changing social environment. We intend to address questions about social environment, cognitive abilities, adaptive function of intelligence and cooperative solution of problems in carrion crows kept in captivity.
Supervisors: Dr Vittorio Baglione (University of Valladolid); Dr Daniela Canestrari (University of Granada).
Requisites for applicants
Bachelor degree in Biology, Natural Sciences, Psychology
Master degree or related title (e.g. obtained through a 2 years program of research or specialization)
Good knowledge of English (certified through an official examination like IELTS, TOEFL, or similar)
Aptitude of working in a group, and capability of developing an independent research line
How to Apply
Send us an email to info[ at ], explaining the reasons for applying as PhD student in our project, research interests, and previous experience.
Please include: A complete CV with indication of the requisites stated above; two presentation letters from former professors or employers; a research project of maximum 2 A4 sheets, written in English.
The deadline for applications is 30/10/2008
More information at
A four-year funded PhD studentship is available at the University of Valladolid to investigate the relationship between sociality and cognition in carrion crows. Recent investigation on different corvid species has revealed surprisingly advanced cognitive abilities that sometimes rival those of non-human primates. In some species the individuals proved to possess the “theory of mind”, that is the ability of attribute mental states and intentions to other individuals, and to modify their own behaviour according to the intentions attributed to others. Sociality is though to be a key factor promoting the evolution of intelligence, which appears to be more advanced in species that live in stable groups. However, the adaptive function of intelligence in these species is not yet clear, as it is not fully known how these cognitive abilities are used in nature, what kind of problems they contribute to solve, and how they influence individual decisions in a changing social environment. We intend to address questions about social environment, cognitive abilities, adaptive function of intelligence and cooperative solution of problems in carrion crows kept in captivity.
Supervisors: Dr Vittorio Baglione (University of Valladolid); Dr Daniela Canestrari (University of Granada).
Requisites for applicants
Bachelor degree in Biology, Natural Sciences, Psychology
Master degree or related title (e.g. obtained through a 2 years program of research or specialization)
Good knowledge of English (certified through an official examination like IELTS, TOEFL, or similar)
Aptitude of working in a group, and capability of developing an independent research line
How to Apply
Send us an email to info[ at ], explaining the reasons for applying as PhD student in our project, research interests, and previous experience.
Please include: A complete CV with indication of the requisites stated above; two presentation letters from former professors or employers; a research project of maximum 2 A4 sheets, written in English.
The deadline for applications is 30/10/2008
More information at
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
USA: Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University
Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University, USA
Cornell University is a bold, innovative and inclusive teaching and research university of academic distinction and public service where staff, faculty, and students alike are challenged to be active citizens of the world.
A full-time postdoctoralassociate is sought for genetic/genomic studies in apple (Malus x domestica). The project will focus on studying genes influencing plant architecture, fruit quality and disease resistance. Genetic maps will be developed and new molecular markers will be identified. The successful candidate will develop and use genomics tools for the genetic enhancement of apple, and is expected to contribute to a variety of studies within the apple genetic improvement program.
Applicants should have a PhD in Plant Genetics/Genomics, Plant Breeding, Plant Molecular Biology or related disciplines. Hands-on experience in diverse PCR-based markers systems and linkage map construction is required. Experience in marker development and linkage analysis in allopolyploids is desired. A strong theoretical background in Statistical Genomics will be viewed favorably. Association mapping, genomic sequence analysis, genomic data mining and bioinformatics experience is surely desireable. Candidates should have a proven record of research productivity and proficiency and the ability to work collaboratively with other researchers and graduate students. Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required. Salary is commensurate with experience and education.
The position will be under the supervision of Dr. Susan Brown, Herman M. Cohn Professor of Horticultural Sciences and Director of the Tree Fruit Genomics Initiative, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, 630 West North Street, 120 Hedrick Hall, NYSAES, Geneva, NY.
To apply, send or e-mail curriculum vitae,list of publications,statement of research interests, and phone numbers and full contact information of at least 3 references to: Dr. Susan Brown, (Email: skb3[ at ] at the above address.
Review of applications will begin immediately. The position start date isas soon as possible, but a later start date is negotiable.
Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.
Cornell University is a bold, innovative and inclusive teaching and research university of academic distinction and public service where staff, faculty, and students alike are challenged to be active citizens of the world.
A full-time postdoctoralassociate is sought for genetic/genomic studies in apple (Malus x domestica). The project will focus on studying genes influencing plant architecture, fruit quality and disease resistance. Genetic maps will be developed and new molecular markers will be identified. The successful candidate will develop and use genomics tools for the genetic enhancement of apple, and is expected to contribute to a variety of studies within the apple genetic improvement program.
Applicants should have a PhD in Plant Genetics/Genomics, Plant Breeding, Plant Molecular Biology or related disciplines. Hands-on experience in diverse PCR-based markers systems and linkage map construction is required. Experience in marker development and linkage analysis in allopolyploids is desired. A strong theoretical background in Statistical Genomics will be viewed favorably. Association mapping, genomic sequence analysis, genomic data mining and bioinformatics experience is surely desireable. Candidates should have a proven record of research productivity and proficiency and the ability to work collaboratively with other researchers and graduate students. Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required. Salary is commensurate with experience and education.
The position will be under the supervision of Dr. Susan Brown, Herman M. Cohn Professor of Horticultural Sciences and Director of the Tree Fruit Genomics Initiative, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, 630 West North Street, 120 Hedrick Hall, NYSAES, Geneva, NY.
To apply, send or e-mail curriculum vitae,list of publications,statement of research interests, and phone numbers and full contact information of at least 3 references to: Dr. Susan Brown, (Email: skb3[ at ] at the above address.
Review of applications will begin immediately. The position start date isas soon as possible, but a later start date is negotiable.
Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
USA: Postdoctoral Positions in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan
Postdoctoral Positions in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, USA
Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan
We are looking for three (3) outstanding organic / medicinal chemists to join our multidisciplinary drug discovery research laboratory in Professor Shaomeng Wang’s laboratory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (see for more details).
A Ph.D. degree in organic and/or medicinal chemistry is required. The candidates should have solid training in multi-step organic synthesis and good understanding of medicinal chemistry and drug design. Good oral communication and writing skills are required.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge drug discovery projects in a multidisciplinary research environment and will interact with computational chemists, structural biologists, biochemists, cell biologists and in vivo pharmacologists in the laboratory.
University of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer. Please send your Curriculum Vitae plus 2-3 references to Professor Shaomeng Wang - shaomeng[ at ]
Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan
We are looking for three (3) outstanding organic / medicinal chemists to join our multidisciplinary drug discovery research laboratory in Professor Shaomeng Wang’s laboratory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (see for more details).
A Ph.D. degree in organic and/or medicinal chemistry is required. The candidates should have solid training in multi-step organic synthesis and good understanding of medicinal chemistry and drug design. Good oral communication and writing skills are required.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge drug discovery projects in a multidisciplinary research environment and will interact with computational chemists, structural biologists, biochemists, cell biologists and in vivo pharmacologists in the laboratory.
University of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer. Please send your Curriculum Vitae plus 2-3 references to Professor Shaomeng Wang - shaomeng[ at ]
Monday, October 6, 2008
Belgium: PhD Positions at Biology Department, K.U.Leuven
2 PhD Positions are available at the Unit of Molecular Physiology of Plants and Micro-organisms of the University of Leuven (Belgium) for a motivated scientist with an interest in molecular plant physiology, signalling, enzyme structures, computer simulations and bio-molecular modelling.
The positions are targeted at candidates from non-EEA countries. Applications are invited from enthusiastic graduates in Life Sciences with an excellent study track record and excellent English proficiency. We offer a challening research environment and an intense experience leading to a PhD degree.
More information and applications via:
The positions are targeted at candidates from non-EEA countries. Applications are invited from enthusiastic graduates in Life Sciences with an excellent study track record and excellent English proficiency. We offer a challening research environment and an intense experience leading to a PhD degree.
More information and applications via:
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Australia: Human Rights Scholarship (HRS), University of Melbourne
The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to undertake graduate research or graduate coursework studies at the University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.
Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants commencing either a graduate research or graduate coursework degree.
Benefits & conditions
Human Rights Scholarship benefits are similar to those provided by the Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS) and Fay Marles Scholarship (FMS) and include a:
Living allowance of $22,000 per annum (2008 rate) for those students enrolled full-time in a graduate research degree. Students enrolled in a graduate coursework degree will be paid pro-rata based on the number of points undertaken each semester
Relocation Grant of $2,500 to eligible recipients who are moving from interstate or overseas in order to study at the University of Melbourne. HRS recipients may also be eligible to claim (upon application and presentation of receipts) a Relocation Allowance for specific relocation expenses, and
Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2008 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2008 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates.
Please note that the HRS does not cover course/tuition or HECS fees for local or international coursework programs or international graduate research degree course fees.
Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place. RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution (HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places. For further information please contact the Melbourne School of Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your faculty office (all other students).
Please use the following links for information about the HRS conditions (including progress requirements for HRS recipients); duration of awards and commencement.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or work experience).
A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average usually required to be competitive for an HRS.
Applicants must be planning to commence or be currently enrolled in a postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework, doctorate by coursework or graduate research degree in the human rights field at the University of Melbourne.
HRSs cannot be awarded to support studies toward a graduate diploma or postgraduate certificate.
International students must have an unconditional course offer at the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS application procedures.
Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a: coursework program (eg. postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework) must meet the normal academic requirements for the course. graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/MRS Eligibility.
HRSs are not awarded to applicants who: cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human rights extends beyond their academic studies have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher, level for which they are seeking scholarship support as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a maximum tenure of less than 12 months have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award, scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An “equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base HRS rate (75% of the base 2008 HRS rate = $16,500).
Selection criteria
Selection of the HRS is based on four main criteria: area of study, evidence of commitment to human rights over a period of time, academic merit and strength of supporting documentation. Application procedure (including required documents)
Local applicants
Local students wishing to apply for the HRS must: complete and submit to the Graduate Research Scholarships Team by 31 October three (3) complete sets (one original or certified and two copies) of the documents listed on the document checklist and the additional documents listed below.
apply for scholarship online using SCHOLS. In exceptional circumstances a scholarship application form may be obtained by contacting the Graduate Research Scholarships Team.
International applicants
International students wishing to apply for the HRS must: apply for admission (if not already currently enrolled in the course for which you seek an HRS) and have an unconditional offer of admission for which the scholarship is sought by Tuesday 6 January 2009. The Application for Admission as an International Graduate Student is available from International Admissions or online at www.unimelb. s/. This form must be submitted to International Admissions as soon as possible.
complete the 2009 International HRS Application Form (PDF: 50 kb) submit three (3) sets (one original and two copies) of the International HRS Application Form and required documents listed below to the Graduate Research Scholarships Office by 31 October.
Required documents
A clear statement (maximum of one page) outlining how your intended studies relate to the human rights field and will further your understanding of human rights.
A statement (maximum of one page) that demonstrates (by noting activities you have been engaged in) your commitment, over a period of time, to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.
A reference that comments on your involvement in human rights. Your referee may, for example, work for a human rights organisation. Your referee is asked to provide their contact details.
Any other letters of recommendation or support you wish to provide that are relevant to your application (optional).
The relevant page from your faculty handbook that outlines the minimum entry requirements for the course for which you are seeking a HRS (coursework applicants only; this is only required from applicants who have not yet commenced the course for which an HRS is sought).
Application outcome
Applicants are able to view the progress of their application.
The HRS selection meeting will take place in late January. Applicants will be advised via standard mail and SCHOLS by the end of January of the outcome of their HRS application.
Closing date & timelines
31 October (or the next working day if 31 October falls on a weekend). We are unable to consider late or incomplete applications.
Scholarship assessment timelines for local and international students can also be viewed.
Graduate Research Scholarships
Melbourne Scholarships Office
Level 3 John Smyth Building, (Building 197)
Swanston Street
+ 61 3 8344 8747 (General Enquiries)
1800 67 41 69 (Graduate Research Scholarships Hotline)
+ 61 3 9349 1740
For further information
Please contact the Graduate Research Scholarships Team on 03 8344 8747 or via
Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants commencing either a graduate research or graduate coursework degree.
Benefits & conditions
Human Rights Scholarship benefits are similar to those provided by the Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS) and Fay Marles Scholarship (FMS) and include a:
Living allowance of $22,000 per annum (2008 rate) for those students enrolled full-time in a graduate research degree. Students enrolled in a graduate coursework degree will be paid pro-rata based on the number of points undertaken each semester
Relocation Grant of $2,500 to eligible recipients who are moving from interstate or overseas in order to study at the University of Melbourne. HRS recipients may also be eligible to claim (upon application and presentation of receipts) a Relocation Allowance for specific relocation expenses, and
Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2008 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2008 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates.
Please note that the HRS does not cover course/tuition or HECS fees for local or international coursework programs or international graduate research degree course fees.
Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place. RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution (HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places. For further information please contact the Melbourne School of Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your faculty office (all other students).
Please use the following links for information about the HRS conditions (including progress requirements for HRS recipients); duration of awards and commencement.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or work experience).
A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average usually required to be competitive for an HRS.
Applicants must be planning to commence or be currently enrolled in a postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework, doctorate by coursework or graduate research degree in the human rights field at the University of Melbourne.
HRSs cannot be awarded to support studies toward a graduate diploma or postgraduate certificate.
International students must have an unconditional course offer at the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS application procedures.
Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a: coursework program (eg. postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework) must meet the normal academic requirements for the course. graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/MRS Eligibility.
HRSs are not awarded to applicants who: cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human rights extends beyond their academic studies have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher, level for which they are seeking scholarship support as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a maximum tenure of less than 12 months have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award, scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An “equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base HRS rate (75% of the base 2008 HRS rate = $16,500).
Selection criteria
Selection of the HRS is based on four main criteria: area of study, evidence of commitment to human rights over a period of time, academic merit and strength of supporting documentation. Application procedure (including required documents)
Local applicants
Local students wishing to apply for the HRS must: complete and submit to the Graduate Research Scholarships Team by 31 October three (3) complete sets (one original or certified and two copies) of the documents listed on the document checklist and the additional documents listed below.
apply for scholarship online using SCHOLS. In exceptional circumstances a scholarship application form may be obtained by contacting the Graduate Research Scholarships Team.
International applicants
International students wishing to apply for the HRS must: apply for admission (if not already currently enrolled in the course for which you seek an HRS) and have an unconditional offer of admission for which the scholarship is sought by Tuesday 6 January 2009. The Application for Admission as an International Graduate Student is available from International Admissions or online at www.unimelb. s/. This form must be submitted to International Admissions as soon as possible.
complete the 2009 International HRS Application Form (PDF: 50 kb) submit three (3) sets (one original and two copies) of the International HRS Application Form and required documents listed below to the Graduate Research Scholarships Office by 31 October.
Required documents
A clear statement (maximum of one page) outlining how your intended studies relate to the human rights field and will further your understanding of human rights.
A statement (maximum of one page) that demonstrates (by noting activities you have been engaged in) your commitment, over a period of time, to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.
A reference that comments on your involvement in human rights. Your referee may, for example, work for a human rights organisation. Your referee is asked to provide their contact details.
Any other letters of recommendation or support you wish to provide that are relevant to your application (optional).
The relevant page from your faculty handbook that outlines the minimum entry requirements for the course for which you are seeking a HRS (coursework applicants only; this is only required from applicants who have not yet commenced the course for which an HRS is sought).
Application outcome
Applicants are able to view the progress of their application.
The HRS selection meeting will take place in late January. Applicants will be advised via standard mail and SCHOLS by the end of January of the outcome of their HRS application.
Closing date & timelines
31 October (or the next working day if 31 October falls on a weekend). We are unable to consider late or incomplete applications.
Scholarship assessment timelines for local and international students can also be viewed.
Graduate Research Scholarships
Melbourne Scholarships Office
Level 3 John Smyth Building, (Building 197)
Swanston Street
+ 61 3 8344 8747 (General Enquiries)
1800 67 41 69 (Graduate Research Scholarships Hotline)
+ 61 3 9349 1740
For further information
Please contact the Graduate Research Scholarships Team on 03 8344 8747 or via
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Italy: Research Fellowships in Horticultural Leading to PhD Degree, The Research Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation
Four research fellowships leading to PhD degree in international recognized Universities (Code. 012_BGM_VG)
The Research Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation (San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy) is one of the most important for horticultural research in Europe. Research includes improvement of crop productions of grapevine and apple. During 2007 the Research Centre obtained the genome sequence of grape and a similar effort in apple is expected to be completed during 2008. Following these achievements, we started an interdisciplinary translational genomics programme aimed at the fully exploitation of the knowledge generated by the two genome sequencing projects.
We are looking for young and motivated researchers that will join an already established team of scientists working with state-of-the-art genomic facilities, in an international English-spoken research environment.
Please find the profile, the application form and general information in the document available in the download area.
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Silvio Salvi, email silvio.salvi[AT], telephone 0039 0461 615536.
Equal opportunities
The position is open to both gender, Law n. 903, 9/12/1977, art. 1. The policy and practice of the Edmund Mach Foundation require that all staff are offered equal opportunities within employment.
Data treatment
All data supplied by applicants will be used only for the purposes of determining their suitability for the post and will be held in accordance with the principles of the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003.
012_BGM_VG_Profiles - file pdf, 108 Kb
012_BGM_VG_Application - file word, 143 Kb
The Research Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation (San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy) is one of the most important for horticultural research in Europe. Research includes improvement of crop productions of grapevine and apple. During 2007 the Research Centre obtained the genome sequence of grape and a similar effort in apple is expected to be completed during 2008. Following these achievements, we started an interdisciplinary translational genomics programme aimed at the fully exploitation of the knowledge generated by the two genome sequencing projects.
We are looking for young and motivated researchers that will join an already established team of scientists working with state-of-the-art genomic facilities, in an international English-spoken research environment.
Please find the profile, the application form and general information in the document available in the download area.
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Silvio Salvi, email silvio.salvi[AT], telephone 0039 0461 615536.
Equal opportunities
The position is open to both gender, Law n. 903, 9/12/1977, art. 1. The policy and practice of the Edmund Mach Foundation require that all staff are offered equal opportunities within employment.
Data treatment
All data supplied by applicants will be used only for the purposes of determining their suitability for the post and will be held in accordance with the principles of the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003.
012_BGM_VG_Profiles - file pdf, 108 Kb
012_BGM_VG_Application - file word, 143 Kb
Friday, October 3, 2008
Switzerland: PhD Studentships in Biochmistry, University of Zurich
PhD student
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich (Irchel campus)
We are an interdisciplinary research group and study protein folding and peptide aggregation by molecular dynamics simulations. The research project involves the further development of computational methods to analyze free-energy surfaces and their application to biologically relevant conformational transitions in proteins.
Ihalainen J.A. et al. PNAS 105, 9588-9593, 2008.
Krivov S.V. et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 8701-8714, 2008.
Rao F. and Caflisch A., J. Mol. Biol. 344, 299-306, 2004.
pdf files of these papers are available on our webpage:
Master of science in Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics. Because of the multidisciplinary research project, candidates should have a keen interest in learning new disciplines, and combining their main
expertise with the new topic(s).
Contact address
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
e-mail: caflisch[ at ]
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich (Irchel campus)
We are an interdisciplinary research group and study protein folding and peptide aggregation by molecular dynamics simulations. The research project involves the further development of computational methods to analyze free-energy surfaces and their application to biologically relevant conformational transitions in proteins.
Ihalainen J.A. et al. PNAS 105, 9588-9593, 2008.
Krivov S.V. et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 8701-8714, 2008.
Rao F. and Caflisch A., J. Mol. Biol. 344, 299-306, 2004.
pdf files of these papers are available on our webpage:
Master of science in Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics. Because of the multidisciplinary research project, candidates should have a keen interest in learning new disciplines, and combining their main
expertise with the new topic(s).
Contact address
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
e-mail: caflisch[ at ]
Thursday, October 2, 2008
France: PhD Scholarships in Spectral Analysis of Phase Noise and Frequency Stability of Oscillators, CNRS et University
Time and frequency have a privileged role in physics and applications because they are the most precisely measured physical quantities. The wrist watch, for example, is the only artifact accurate within 1E-5 - 1E-6 at a cost affordable to all consumers. Atomic clocks exhibit the amazing accuracy of 1E-15, and a stability better by a factor 10. Though the accuracy of 1E-15 relates only to fundamental physics and metrology, short term stability is a major concern in telecommunications, space applications and radars.
Traditionally, frequency stability is measured in the time domain and described using wavelet variances known as the Allan variance sigma_y^2(tau) and its modified versions. The variable tau is the measurement time. The stability depends on the measurement time in the same way of a balance, which is less “precise” when the mass to be measured is very different from 1 kg.
The estimation of sigma_y^2(tau) and of its confidence is well documented in the literature available in the past 20 years. Conversely, the spectral analysis of oscillators is still an empirical domain, in which results are usually given as a raw power spectral density of the phase noise, i.e., Sphi(f) ou L (f). Analysis seldom goes beyond the identification of the interference from the mains power supply (50 or 60 Hz et harmonics) and the identification of two-three fundamental types of noise. This approach is no longer suitable to the needs of emerging technologies.
This is a new domain. Hence, the minimum target is reasonably low: to adapt established spectral-analysis methods to the oscillator and to identify the oscillator’s stochastic phenomena. Nonetheless, this is a great opportunity for a smart student, as he can innovate in the interpretation of the oscillator physics and in the measurement methods and achieve outstanding experimental results. A side branch is the improvement of the measurement accuracy, which is currently of 2 dB in primary laboratories. The bulk of the expected work is about the statistical analysis of phase noise spectra. Besides, the student will achieve a deep understanding of oscillators and of experimental techniques.
University and laboratory
Ph.D. scholarship is managed by the University of Franche Comt’e, Besançon, France. The work site is the Time and Frequency Dept. of the FEMTO-ST Institute, affiliated to the University of Franche Comt’e, Besançon. This department, merging the laboratory of chronometry (LCEP) and the laboratory of physic and metrology of oscillators (LPMO), issues from the Laboratoire de l’Horloge Atomique, funded by the Nobel prize Alfred Kastler. The T&F Dept. is the world leader in the domain of the measurement of the oscillator noise. Besides, this department is the european leader in the domain of ultra-stable oscillators and chip-scale atomic clocks.
Candidate profile
The best student for this subject is fond to computer programming and calculus, and eager to learn sophisticated experimental methods of electronics. He is motivated by the will of learning and by the investment on his future life. In the longer term, he would like to do applied research in academic institutions or industry, or high-tech engineering, preferably in international environment.
During his Ph.D., the student will be advised by E. Rubiola (2/3-3/4), full professor, and by F. Vernotte (1/4-1/3), full professor and head of the Observatory of Besançon.
The student will receive a stipend from the French ministry of education for three years, as ruled by the French government. The candidate must fill two conditions
1. age 29 years max,
2. university degree “Master 2″ (5 year university degree) or equivalent, obtained in 2008. The equivalence is managed on site.
Candidates unaware of the French education system should know that: tuition are very small or zero, and the stipend is generally sufficient for a modest yet quite reasonable life standard.
e-mail: rubiola[ at ]
home page
Time and frequency have a privileged role in physics and applications because they are the most precisely measured physical quantities. The wrist watch, for example, is the only artifact accurate within 1E-5 - 1E-6 at a cost affordable to all consumers. Atomic clocks exhibit the amazing accuracy of 1E-15, and a stability better by a factor 10. Though the accuracy of 1E-15 relates only to fundamental physics and metrology, short term stability is a major concern in telecommunications, space applications and radars.
Traditionally, frequency stability is measured in the time domain and described using wavelet variances known as the Allan variance sigma_y^2(tau) and its modified versions. The variable tau is the measurement time. The stability depends on the measurement time in the same way of a balance, which is less “precise” when the mass to be measured is very different from 1 kg.
The estimation of sigma_y^2(tau) and of its confidence is well documented in the literature available in the past 20 years. Conversely, the spectral analysis of oscillators is still an empirical domain, in which results are usually given as a raw power spectral density of the phase noise, i.e., Sphi(f) ou L (f). Analysis seldom goes beyond the identification of the interference from the mains power supply (50 or 60 Hz et harmonics) and the identification of two-three fundamental types of noise. This approach is no longer suitable to the needs of emerging technologies.
This is a new domain. Hence, the minimum target is reasonably low: to adapt established spectral-analysis methods to the oscillator and to identify the oscillator’s stochastic phenomena. Nonetheless, this is a great opportunity for a smart student, as he can innovate in the interpretation of the oscillator physics and in the measurement methods and achieve outstanding experimental results. A side branch is the improvement of the measurement accuracy, which is currently of 2 dB in primary laboratories. The bulk of the expected work is about the statistical analysis of phase noise spectra. Besides, the student will achieve a deep understanding of oscillators and of experimental techniques.
University and laboratory
Ph.D. scholarship is managed by the University of Franche Comt’e, Besançon, France. The work site is the Time and Frequency Dept. of the FEMTO-ST Institute, affiliated to the University of Franche Comt’e, Besançon. This department, merging the laboratory of chronometry (LCEP) and the laboratory of physic and metrology of oscillators (LPMO), issues from the Laboratoire de l’Horloge Atomique, funded by the Nobel prize Alfred Kastler. The T&F Dept. is the world leader in the domain of the measurement of the oscillator noise. Besides, this department is the european leader in the domain of ultra-stable oscillators and chip-scale atomic clocks.
Candidate profile
The best student for this subject is fond to computer programming and calculus, and eager to learn sophisticated experimental methods of electronics. He is motivated by the will of learning and by the investment on his future life. In the longer term, he would like to do applied research in academic institutions or industry, or high-tech engineering, preferably in international environment.
During his Ph.D., the student will be advised by E. Rubiola (2/3-3/4), full professor, and by F. Vernotte (1/4-1/3), full professor and head of the Observatory of Besançon.
The student will receive a stipend from the French ministry of education for three years, as ruled by the French government. The candidate must fill two conditions
1. age 29 years max,
2. university degree “Master 2″ (5 year university degree) or equivalent, obtained in 2008. The equivalence is managed on site.
Candidates unaware of the French education system should know that: tuition are very small or zero, and the stipend is generally sufficient for a modest yet quite reasonable life standard.
e-mail: rubiola[ at ]
home page
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
USA: The Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University
Post doctoral Fellowship
The post-doctoral fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University is designed to bring together an innovative group of interdisciplinary researchers from around the world. The Fellowship gives emerging scholars the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and provide a space for collaborative research and publication. CGT encourages interdisciplinary, transnational research under three broad themes: Secularism and Diversity, Global Governance, and Poverty and Inequality. Past fellows have researched topics including the local socio-economic consequences of global policy, the historical roots of identity, and the evolution of transnational and international political structures. Scholars from any discipline may apply, provided that they successfully indicate how their work will contribute to CGT’s three research themes listed above. Up to four fellowship spots are available for the academic year beginning August 1, 2009.
The term of the fellowship is one calendar year, beginning August 1, 2009 and ending July 31, 2010. The fellowship is renewable for an additional year, contingent upon mutual satisfaction with demonstrated progress.
Fellows are expected to:
Teach or assist with one undergraduate or graduate course, either of their own design or as specified by the Committee. When teaching, fellows are required to hold weekly office hours.
Participate in planning and execution of research workshops and symposia.
Present their individual research projects once a semester.
International applicants are encouraged to apply. If selected, Columbia University will sponsor the appropriate visa.
Candidates will be considered only if:
They received their first doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than August 1, 2004 (Those who have not completed their degree at the time of application must have submitted their dissertation for defense on or before April 1, 2009. Evidence required, no exceptions).
They do not hold or have not held a tenure or tenure-track position.
They can fluently speak, publish, and teach in English.
They submit an original research proposal. An adaptation of a dissertation or previous publication does not qualify.
Fellows will receive:
An annual salary of $55,000, which includes health insurance and other standard benefits.
Access to Columbia University libraries and computer resources.
Shared office space.
Eligibility for additional funding for special research projects.
Eligibility to apply for campus housing.
Application Checklist- all items must be completed and postmarked by December 1, 2008 and received by December 10, 2008.
Send materials to:
Committee on Global Thought
3 Claremont Ave. Suite 101
New York, NY 10027
attn: Post-doc Search
An official graduate school transcript and terminal diploma if received (provide English translation if necessary).
Three (3) letters of reference.
Application fee of $30 USD. Check or money order made payable to Columbia University (Fee may be waived at our discretion).
Please send 5 copies of the following:
1.Curriculum Vitae
2. Cover Letter
3. Research proposal
-not to exceed 1500 words;
-The description should include the background, nature, importance, specific objectives, and methodology of the proposed research project
4. Writing Sample
- not to exceed 20 double spaced pages
- preferably an article or research paper published in a scholarly journal
- topic should be pertinent to the proposed research project
- no books will be accepted
5. Syllabus of proposed course or Outline of proposed Symposium
All materials must be in English; translations accepted.
Applications are reviewed immediately, so please ensure they are complete. Applications received piecemeal are not likely to be assembled or read.
All questions may be directed to: cgtmail[ at ]
The post-doctoral fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University is designed to bring together an innovative group of interdisciplinary researchers from around the world. The Fellowship gives emerging scholars the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and provide a space for collaborative research and publication. CGT encourages interdisciplinary, transnational research under three broad themes: Secularism and Diversity, Global Governance, and Poverty and Inequality. Past fellows have researched topics including the local socio-economic consequences of global policy, the historical roots of identity, and the evolution of transnational and international political structures. Scholars from any discipline may apply, provided that they successfully indicate how their work will contribute to CGT’s three research themes listed above. Up to four fellowship spots are available for the academic year beginning August 1, 2009.
The term of the fellowship is one calendar year, beginning August 1, 2009 and ending July 31, 2010. The fellowship is renewable for an additional year, contingent upon mutual satisfaction with demonstrated progress.
Fellows are expected to:
Teach or assist with one undergraduate or graduate course, either of their own design or as specified by the Committee. When teaching, fellows are required to hold weekly office hours.
Participate in planning and execution of research workshops and symposia.
Present their individual research projects once a semester.
International applicants are encouraged to apply. If selected, Columbia University will sponsor the appropriate visa.
Candidates will be considered only if:
They received their first doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than August 1, 2004 (Those who have not completed their degree at the time of application must have submitted their dissertation for defense on or before April 1, 2009. Evidence required, no exceptions).
They do not hold or have not held a tenure or tenure-track position.
They can fluently speak, publish, and teach in English.
They submit an original research proposal. An adaptation of a dissertation or previous publication does not qualify.
Fellows will receive:
An annual salary of $55,000, which includes health insurance and other standard benefits.
Access to Columbia University libraries and computer resources.
Shared office space.
Eligibility for additional funding for special research projects.
Eligibility to apply for campus housing.
Application Checklist- all items must be completed and postmarked by December 1, 2008 and received by December 10, 2008.
Send materials to:
Committee on Global Thought
3 Claremont Ave. Suite 101
New York, NY 10027
attn: Post-doc Search
An official graduate school transcript and terminal diploma if received (provide English translation if necessary).
Three (3) letters of reference.
Application fee of $30 USD. Check or money order made payable to Columbia University (Fee may be waived at our discretion).
Please send 5 copies of the following:
1.Curriculum Vitae
2. Cover Letter
3. Research proposal
-not to exceed 1500 words;
-The description should include the background, nature, importance, specific objectives, and methodology of the proposed research project
4. Writing Sample
- not to exceed 20 double spaced pages
- preferably an article or research paper published in a scholarly journal
- topic should be pertinent to the proposed research project
- no books will be accepted
5. Syllabus of proposed course or Outline of proposed Symposium
All materials must be in English; translations accepted.
Applications are reviewed immediately, so please ensure they are complete. Applications received piecemeal are not likely to be assembled or read.
All questions may be directed to: cgtmail[ at ]
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