Description : Applications are invited for the post of PhD student to work on a project based at the Mitochondria Biology Laboratory, Centre de Recherche Universite’ Laval Robert Giffard (CRULRG), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. The mission of this laboratory is to further understand the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and to train quality students that are interested in pursuing a successful career in science. An highly motivated student with outstanding education record is welcomed to investigate the role of rhomboid proteases in the regulation of mitochondrial activities. The project will include generation and maintenance of mutant and transgenic ES cell lines, DNA and RNA purification, northern, southern, and western blotting, protein biochemistry, immunocytochemistry, loss-and gain-of-function mutant analysis as well as characterization of behavioral phenotypes of genetically modified mice. Broad genetic, biochemical and molecular biology laboratory knowledge are essential. Candidates will be expected to hold a MSc or equivalent diploma. This three year CIHR-funded position is available from spring 2009. Starting salary will be $20,000 (CAD), which is sufficient to cover basic living costs in Quebec City and PhD tuition fees at Universite’ Laval.
To obtain further information about the lab and how to apply for this position, please visit
Contact :
Luca Pellegrini, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Psychiatry Universite’ Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Email : pellelab[ at ]
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