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Monday, October 27, 2008

Germany: PhD Positions in Nanoscale Imaging of Cellular Dynamics, Georg-August-Universität

The newly formed junior research group Nanoscale Imaging of Cellular Dynamics in the Courant Research Centre Nano-Sprectroscopy and X-Ray Imaging at the University of Göttingen invites applications for Three Ph.D. positions.

The positions are immediately available pending formal administrative approval.

Our research focuses on dynamic processes in cells and cellular components. Since most of these processes take place on the micro- and nanometerscales, there is a need for observation and manipulation methods on exactly these length scales. To achieve our aim of imaging the dynamics of biological matter in real-time and in situ, we combine specifically tailored micro- and nanopatterned surfaces and state-of-the-art microfluidics, which mimic physiological conditions, with newly developed high-resolution optical and x-ray imaging methods. In particular, we seek Ph.D. candidates who are interested in

a) In vitro single filament dynamics and network assembly of intermediate filaments,
b) Intermediate filament dynamics in live cells, or
c) Force transduction in blood cells.

For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Köster (see below).

Candidates should have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or a related field. A Diplom, Masters or equivalent degree is required. In addition to experimental experience, candidates should have excellent communication and team-working skills, be committed to the topic and to working in a dedicated interdisciplinary environment. International applicants are welcome. The University of Göttingen seeks to increase the participation of women in areas in which they are currently underrepresented and therefore explicitly urges women to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.

We offer two-year Ph.D. positions with the possibility of extension to three years. Salary is based on the German TV-L system, level 13 (half time).

Göttingen is a quaint and traditional German university town with an international student-based community. The Courant Research Centre is one of five interdisciplinary research centres ( recently established by the University of Göttingen as part of its institutional strategy Tradition Innovation Autonomy. The Centre offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities and an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.

Candidates should upload a curriculum vita, a statement of research interests and a list of publications (if available) via the online form located at Applications received before November 15, 2008 will receive full consideration. Candidates should also arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly by email to Dr. Sarah Köster (sarah.koester[ at ] Full contact information can be found within the portal link.

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