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Saturday, August 29, 2009

USA: Postdoc Position in BioMedical Math, University of Maryland

PhD Scholarships in Indonesian Economics, The Australian National University, Australia

The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is offering two, three-year PhD scholarships to conduct doctoral research on the Indonesian economy. Scholarships are to the value of $25,000 per annum for up to three years. Successful applicants are required to participate in the activities of the Indonesia Project, which is administered by the Arndt-Corden Division of Economics at the ANU.

Prospective PhD scholars from a well-established PhD program in Economics at any Australian university, who can demonstrate a strong commitment to work on Southeast Asian economies, are invited to apply for the PhD Scholarships.

Successful applicants will be subject to the normal requirements for completion of a PhD program at the host university. Additional funding will be provided to undertake up to three months of fieldwork in Indonesia for the purpose of collecting data and other information for research.

Applicants should send a letter of application, proof of acceptance into a PhD economics program at any Australian university, their CV and transcripts of academic record by 30 October 2009 to the Head of the Indonesia Project as Chairman of the AusAID–Indonesia Project PhD Scholarship Committee.

Further Scholarship information and application requirements are at:

Enquiries: Indonesia.Project[ at ]

Closing date: 30 October 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Italy: Master Scholarships in Economics, University of Bologna

The Faculty of Economics in Rimini (University of Bologna) is launching an International Laurea Magistralis “Economics and Market Policy” (EPM) that will start in the next academic year 2009/2010. It is a two-year programme and is equivalent to an M-Phil or M.Sc. Degree. You may find a description at the web site.

The programme offers core courses in quantitative economics and a number of elective courses, has a flexible structure and can be tailored to suit both practitioners and research profiles.

Scholarships for the academic year 2009/2010

1) Foreign students (except Italian citizens):
- a scholarship sponsored by the Polo Scientifico Didattico di Rimini: a grant of 6000 euros per year.

The application form is available at this page, or at: :

(see: Scholarships for Laurea Magistralis in Economics and Market Policy).

Information can be required at: relazioni.internazionali[ at ]

Enlisting for the competition: to October, 20, 2009. The Examining Board will short list the candidates by October, 31, 2009.

2) Any student (EU or non EU citizen):
two scholarships sponsored by UniRimini for talented students: a grant of 2000 euros per year and another grant of 1000 euros per year. Details are available at:

(see: Scholarships for Laurea Magistralis in Economics and Market Policy). These grants are not incompatible with other fee exemptions and are therefore an additional award. Enlisting for the competition: to October, 20, 2009. The Examining Board will short list the candidates by October, 31, 2009.

The selection is based on the past University career (cv and a transcript of the exams and grades achieved in previous Degrees) and other documents the applicant considers relevant for the selection.

Ceteris paribus, preferences will be given to the date of enrolment, on a first-enrolled, first-selected basis.

Additional information may be requested from: elettra.agliardi[ at ] (Director of Studies)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Germany: PhD Positions in Biology, Physics and Chemistry, The Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)

The Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB) was founded in 2007 as a joint enterprise between the University of Göttingen, three Max Planck Institutes, and the German Primate Center. GGNB is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments.

Twelve doctoral programs are currently united under the roof of GGNB, sharing a common interdisciplinary training platform for their Ph.D. candidates. All courses are in English. Each Ph.D. candidate is affiliated with one of the doctoral programs of GGNB where he/she receives individual counseling and is guided in his/her thesis work by a thesis committee of at least three faculty members.

We invite for applications for Ph.D. positions in Biology / Physics / Chemistry in the following doctoral programs:

Biomolecules: Structure - Function - Dynamics
Molecular Biology of Microbial, Animal and Plant Cells
Molecular Biology of Development and Interaction between Organisms
International Max Planck Research School “Physics of Biological and Complex Systems”
Molecular Physiology of the Brain
Sensory and Motor Neuroscience
Systems Neuroscience
Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Scholarships and institutionally financed Ph.D. positions are available.

Candidates holding a Master’s degree in the natural sciences or related disciplines and an excellent academic record may apply by 15 September 2009 or also independent of deadlines.

See for details on the application procedure and open positions.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ireland: PhD / MEngSc Scholarship in the Area of Geospatial Applications of Wireless Sensors

Applications are invited for a Masters/PhD studentship inthe area of wireless sensor networks for collection of real time data for use in geospatial applications. This area of research, led by Dr. Ronan Farrell, will be undertaken in close collaboration with the national StratAG ( research consortium on advanced geotechnologies. The focus of this consortium is the application of geotechnology to more real time data and environments. The objective of this project is to provide the sensing and communications technologies to deliver this real time information.

Wireless sensor networks have been used widely for a number of years but there uses have been constrained to being either short range or low data rates. In this application it is necessary to look at applications where we may be dealing with wide areas (for example the coastline of the island of Ireland,or covering an entire city) and where we may have high bandwidth requirements(streaming video or high resolution still images). The objective is to explore architectures that will utilise existing GSM/UMTS mobile phone networks in such a manner as to facilitate efficient wide area communications. This will involve the exploration of communication networks and architectures,distributed processing and load optimisation.

Interested candidates should hold a first or upper second class honours degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or a cognate discipline. Applicants who hold research masters in a relevant area are particularly welcomed. Thiswork is inherently multidisciplinary and the successful applicant will need to collaborate with computer scientists, engineers and geographers. Excellence in communications and wireless technologies would be highly valued as would an open attitude to collaboration outside of one’s comfort zone.

Successful candidates will join a large multi-disciplinary team and be initially enrolled on a full-time Masters of Engineering Science, with a review after 18 months for progression to a PhD programme. The studentship willcomprise of fees and an annual stipend of 16,000 Euros (index linked). The position is available immediately though, upon agreement, the start date may be postponed to January 2009.

Applicants should supply by email a detailed CV including a detailed discussion of their latest work, two references and a complete list of publications. Please include GEO2009 in the subject of your email. Applicants from outside of the EU are welcome to apply forall positions, however please state clearly your visa requirements in your initial emails. Non-EU candidates may have to pay additional fees. Please list your citizenship in your email subject.

For all queries please contact:

Dr. Ronan Farrell
Institute Director
E: imws[ at ]
P: +353-1-7086197

Monday, August 24, 2009

Italy: PhD Scholarships in Economics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

2009 Call for Applications for the Ph.D program in Economics.

The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore offers a 3 year Program of Doctoral Studies in Economics fully accredited worldwide.

The Program, taught entirely in English, provides outstanding training for study and research in the various fields of economics. It has a long and consolidated tradition of post-graduate teaching and research in both theoretical and applied economics. Since its inception, more than one hundred students have successfully completed the Ph.D Program, and many of them are working in leading academic and non-academic, prestigious institutions like the Federal Reserve, the European Commission, the United Nations, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Italy.

The first year of the Ph.D Program is devoted mainly to advanced course work in mathematics for economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and a considerable number of frontier state-of-the-art research topics. Full time research is pursued over the following two (or exceptionally three) years, during which each student must write his or her thesis. Students are encouraged and financially supported to carry out part of their studies at leading foreign universities in order to allow them to exchange and compare ideas on a broader scale.

Scholarships and Deadlines
Three merit based scholarships will be awarded to the most outstanding students.

Applications must be sent by September 14th.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome at the latest by September 30, 2009.

Applications and information
To apply, please read the Call for Applications available at

Application forms can be downloaded at:

For questions please contact Professor Gerd Weinrich, Director of the PhD Program in Economics, at dottorato.economia[ at ]

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ireland: PhD Scholarship in the area of Low Cost Wireless Sensor Networks

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the areaof wireless sensor networks with the focus on covering a wide area at very low cost. This area of research, led by Dr. Ronan Farrell, will be undertaken in close collaboration with the national StratAG ( research consortium on advanced geotechnologies.

Wireless sensor networks have been used widely for a number of years but have yet to achieve their vision of being truly disposable or cost effective. For example, the cost of deploying a network in a forest to track wildlife is prohibitive is any large scale fashion. This project will explore opportunities to address the cost issue by examining the constraints in which we design our systems and what additional geospatial information can be used to maximise the performance/cost ratio. This work will most be simulation based but there will be an opportunity to construct an experimental system.

Interested candidates should hold a first or upper second class honours degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or a cognate discipline. Applicants who hold research masters in a relevant area are particularly welcomed. This work is inherently multidisciplinary and the successful applicant will need to collaborate with computer scientists, engineers and geographers. Excellence in communications and wireless technologies would be highly valuedas would an open attitude to collaboration outside of one’s comfort zone.

Successful candidates will join a large multi-disciplinary team and be initially enrolled on a full-time Masters of Engineering Science, with a review after 18 months for progression to a PhD programme. The studentship will comprise of fees and an annual stipend of 16,000 Euros (index linked). The position is available immediately though, upon agreement, the start date may be postponed to January 2009.

Applicants should supply by email a detailed CV including a detailed discussion of their latest work, two references and a complete list of publications. Please include WSN in the subject of your email. Applicants from outside of the EU are welcome to apply for all positions, however please state clearly your visa requirements in your initial emails. Non-EU candidates may have to pay additional fees. Please list your citizenship in your email subject.

For all queries please contact:

Dr. Ronan Farrell
Institute Director
E: imws[ at ]
P: +353-1-7086197

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Switzerland: Interdisciplinary PhD Position in Experimental and Computational Molecular Biology, ETH Zurich

Interdisciplinary PhD Position in Experimental and Computational Molecular Biology

An interdisciplinary PhD position is available in the groups of Dr. Gunter Merdes (Molecular Biology) and Prof. Niko Beerenwinkel (Computational Biology) at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich in Basel. Our research is at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and computer science with biology and medicine.

We are particularly interested in disease-associated cellular networks and their evolutionary dynamics. The PhD project is concerned with the prediction of functional redundancy in protein networks, and the student will be involved in an alternating cycle between experiment and computational method development.

The successful candidate will be a member of both research groups and receive intense interdisciplinary training. Applicants should have a strong background in molecular biology and a solid background in mathematics and statistics. Experience in the area of computational biology is a plus but not a necessity. We seek highly motivated and enthusiastic students with the willingness to cross scientific borders.

Good knowledge of English both in writing and speaking is expected. The salary is according to the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The position is funded by a interdisciplinary PhD fellowship for an initial three years with a possible extension to four years.

The Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich is an integral part of, the Swiss initiative in Systems Biology. It is located in Basel, a European hot-spot for biomedical research, in close proximity of the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, and the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. ETH Zurich is a major research university, offering an excellent environment for innovative and collaborative research across disciplines.

Please send the usual application material, including at least two references, as a single PDF file to: niko.beerenwinkel[ at ] and gunter.merdes[ at ]

For further information, please visit our web sites:
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering,
Niko Beerenwinkel,
Gunter Merdes,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Australia: PhD Scholarships in Nanotechnology Modelling, University of Wollongong

PhD Scholarships are available to suitable students with a background in Mathematics, Science or Engineering and with an interest in Nanotechnology. Specific areas in Nanotechnology include:

Dissipation of kinetic energy in gigahertz nano-oscillators,
Electron transport in small diameter, highly curved carbon nanotubes,
Geometric model of helical carbon nanostructures,
Mathematical models for magnetorheological nanodevices incorporating nano-electromagnets,
Encapsulation of DNA in carbon nanotubes,
Expulsion models for biomolecules in carbon nanotubes,
Fluid mechanical study of lab-on-a-chip technologies,
Mathematical models of nanosyringes and other nanoscaled drug delivery systems,
Nanoparticle interactions with biological systems.

Successful applicants will be motivated, mathematically literate and be able to express themselves clearly both verbally and in written form.

Applicants should contact either Professor Jim Hill or Dr Barry Cox and provide a copy of their full curriculum vitae, a brief covering letter, and the names and contact details (including email addresses) of two referees supporting their application.

For more information, please visit :

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Switzerland: Doctoral Positions in Accounting, University of Bern

The Management Accounting section at the Institute of Accounting (Institut für nternehmensrechnung und Controlling, IUC) at the University of Bern offers the position of a Doctoral Candidate. The institute is engaged in teaching at the bachelor and the master level. In cooperation with other Swiss Universities, it aims to build up a doctoral program in Accounting by Spring 2010. The focus of research activities covers mainly three aspects:

regulatory accounting of infrastructure providers such as electricity or telecom firms
intra-firm trade and its governance via transfer prices as opposed to inter-firm trade and its governance via supply-chain contracts
the effects of accounting disclosure decisions and accounting reporting strategies on the capital market.
In these contexts there are a number of pending projects to be solved. The detailed description of the doctoral research topics will be selected together with the candidate(s).

The candidate is expected to have successfully concluded the master thesis (or equivalent) in business, economics, mathematics, or a related topic. If the master degree is not in business, additional business courses at the master level could be mandatory prior to the enrollment as a doctoral student. The candidate should be able to fluently speak and write English. Knowledge of the
German language is also expected.

The position is open as from September 1, 2009 or later.

The position is limited to three years; it may be prolonged for another two years. The employment degree is 50 percent. A higher degree may be agreed upon as from 2010. The salary follows the guidelines of the University of Bern for doctoral candidates.

For further information please contact:

Professor Dr. Ulf Schiller
Institut für Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Universität Bern
Engehaldenstrasse 4
CH - 3012 Bern

phone: ++41 31 631 37 35
E-mail: schiller[ at ]

Applications (including CV, master thesis, university diploma copies, and possible references) should also be sent to this address. The University of Bern is an equal opportunities employer and particularly encourages women to apply for the position.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Zealand: PhD Positions in Bioengineering, the Auckland Bioengineering Institute

PhD Positions in Bioengineering, the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, New Zealand

Fully-funded PhD Positions in Modelling and Mapping Gastrointestinal System in Health and Disease

Two fully-funded PhD student positions are currently available at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, New Zealand. The scholarships will fund a tax free stipend of NZ$25,000, travel fund of NZ$3000 and compulsory fees each year. A completion a bonus is available if the PhD completed within 4 years.

The students will join an established and multidisciplinary team of bioengineers, applied mathematicians, surgeons, gastroenterologists and physiologists in the Gastrointestinal Research Group. The research will be involved with the multi-scale modelling and experimental validation of the
electrical activity in the normal and diseased GI tract. We also have an interesting program investigating the design of new medical and surgical devices. You will have the opportunity to attend and present at international conferences annually, and to visit our collaborators at the Mayo Clinic, Vanderbilt University and other leading centres.

We welcome applications from motivated and competent students with a bioengineering/applied mathematics/clinical or equivalent background. Experience in computer programming (e.g., matlab, C, C++, Fortan, scripting languages) is required. Previous research experience is preferred. Positions open until filled.

Please refer to our website for more details or contact Professor Andrew Pullan for more information (a.pullan[ at ] with the subject “PhD in GI Research”.

For more information, please visit:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Canada: PhD Position, Production of Animal Feed from Cheese Whey and Analysis of Biocomponents Thereof, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

CONTEXT: Cheese whey or lactoserum, by-product of cheese manufacturing, has posed serious disposal problems for many cheese makers. The component of whey that poses the greatest disposal problem is lactose. Ultrafiltration of whey for the production of protein concentrates results in a deproteinized effluent that retains nearly the same level of BOD as the original whey. To deal effectively with the whey problem, lactose must be removed from the waste stream and converted to non-polluting products. Several industrial products are derived from whey such as refined food-grade lactose, , lactose use as carriers for antibiotic powder, or used in infant foods lactose derived products - lactulose, lactitol, lactitol palmitate, lactosyl urea, lactobionic acid, galactooligosaccharides, and galactose/glucose syrups. Production of yeast and/or fungal biomass as the sources of protein (mycoprotein) has been widely researched and the products have been accepted as human and/or animal nutrition. However, bioconversion of lactose (present in whey) into mixed microbial biomass and its use as animal feeds has not been yet explored.

Moreover, functional whey protein concentrates and new products produced under strict quality control conditions could find a growing market and could be used as key ingredients in development of new food products. However, introduction of new strains and development of different methods envisages the detailed investigation on analysis of proteins along with minerals which will define marketability of the finished product as well as potential application into other sectors.

Research Area:
Separation of proteins and carbohydrates (lactose, glucose, galactose, arabinose, xylanose, mannose, fructose, maltose, xylitol, maltodextrin, saccharose) by gel filtration chromatography. Method development and application in structural analysis and identification of peptides, proteins and protein complexes by mass spectrometry. The main research directions will include identification, separation and characterization of different carbohydrates and proteins produced during whey fermentation process.

M.Sc. in biochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, technical physics or related discipline. Practical experience in the field of chromatography techniques, mass spectrometry and/or protein handling is an advantage. Computer knowledge preferably include programming skills, experience with ion/electron optics calculations is an advantage. Candidates should be proficient in English and French.

Application should include a CV, list of publications, names and contacts of 2-3 references, list of research interests. For applications and further information please contact:

Professor R.D. Tyagi
Canada Research Chair
Adjunct Prof - Univ. Missouri Columbia
INRS-ETE Univ. Quebec
490, rue de la Couronne
Quebec, G1K 9A9 (CANADA)
E-mail: tyagi[ at ]

Dr. S.K. Brar
Assistant Professor
INRS-ETE Univ. Quebec
490, rue de la Couronne
Quebec, G1K 9A9 (CANADA)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Belgium: PhD Positions in Bioinformatics at the Center for Human Genetics, KULeuven

PhD position in bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing, and cancer genomics at the Center for Human Genetics, KULeuven

The Laboratory of Computational Biology together with the Laboratory for Molecular Pathogenesis of Leukemia have a joint position for a motivated PhD student interested in genomics and systems biology of cancer.

Research project
The PhD research will focus on high-throughput approaches to further decipher the leukemia genome and to identify novel oncogenic mutations or structural variations that may underlie tumorigenesis. Secondary interest goes out to variations in transcriptional networks and the characterization of the
underlying cis-regulatory variations.

Available data include gene expression microarray data, GS FLX sequence data of candidate gene sets, and may even include full genome sequence data of multiple cancer patients. The challenge of this project is to handle large amounts of public and in-house genomic data and to use, benchmark, and develop state-of-the-art bioinformatics approaches, while maintaining a clear focus on important
biological questions.

Master in Engineering, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Bio-engineering, or equivalent.

The candidate we are seeking should have basic programming or bioinformatics skills, with a strong interest in high-throughput technologies and genomics. Having any of the following skills is a plus: linux, R/Bioconductor, Matlab, Perl, Java, MySQL, data mining, clustering, classification, modeling, (bio)statistics, genome browsers.

The successful applicant will be hosted by the Laboratory of Computational Biology, headed by Prof. Stein Aerts, and will be in close collaboration with The Laboratory for Molecular Pathogenesis of Leukemia, headed by Prof. Jan Cools. Both labs are part of the Center for Human Genetics at the KULeuven.

Interested? Send your CV and motivation letter to stein.aerts[ at ]

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scotland: PhD Studentship in Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Starthclyde, Glasgow

Fully Funded DSTL-EPSRC PhD Research Studentship
Advanced High Resolution Methods for Radar Imaging and Micro-Doppler Signature Extraction

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Centre for excellence in Signal and Image Processing (CeSIP)

Principal supervisor: Professor John Soraghan, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Other supervisors: Dr Ian Glover, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Dr Des McGhee, Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde

A fully funded DSTL-EPSRC peered reviewed 3.5 year PhD research studentship (home fees + stipend up to £17.5k per year) is available from 1st October 2009 to work in the Centre for excellence in Signal and Image Processing (CeSIP), University of Strathclyde.

The increasing interest in bistatic and multistatic radar systems is a result of the potential they offer in sectors such as remote sensing, navigation, automatic target recognition, and related defence and commercial applications. Advantages of multistatic approaches over conventional monostatic systems include (i) the ability to operate in a covert mode (whereby the receiver may be passive with a relatively close stand off distance to the operational region compared to the transmitter), and (ii) increased survivability employing independent receiver manoeuvring with a reduced receiver cost that incorporate inexpensive passive receive only systems.

Recently, new mathematical algorithms (Fractional Fourier Transform based) and related signal processing methods for high resolution radar imaging have been derived within the CeSIP research group. These were successfully applied to high resolution monostatic SAR systems. The aim of the current project is to concentrate on high resolution imaging for bistatic spotlight radar imaging and microdoppler target extraction from multistatic environments.

Candidates with a 2.1 or first class degree in relevant subjects, such as engineering, pure or applied mathematics, physics, or radar/remote sensing are encouraged to apply. A Masters degree in a relevant subject would be an advantage. It is anticipated that the ideal student will have a strong interest in signal processing theory and applications. This studentship is available from 1st Oct 2009.

Applicants should submit a full CV, the names and addresses of two referees and a covering letter to Miss Sheila Forbes (s.forbes[ at ] by 27th August 2009.

For further information, please contact: Professor John Soraghan, CeSIP, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, G1 1XW, Glasgow Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2514. Email: j.soraghan[ at ]

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ireland: Master and PhD Scholarships in Science, Engineering and Technology, from the Government of Ireland

Master and PhD Scholarships in Science, Engineering and Technology, from the Government of Ireland, Ireland


IRCSET `Embark Initiative’ Postgraduate Scholarship
Description of scheme
Second Call 2009

The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) `EMBARK’ Scheme offers opportunities for suitably qualified students to pursue a postgraduate degree by research. The Scheme supports basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. The call for applications opens on June 9th 2009 for students and researchers hoping to begin postgraduate research in the Republic of Ireland in October 2009. While a majority of postgraduate Scholarships awarded by the Council are offered to European Union (EU) citizens or to those who are ordinarily resident within a member state of the EU, a proportion of awards are also offered to exceptional candidates who are ordinarily resident in non EU member states.

Scholarships are awarded only to those who will be full-time students and who will engage fulltime in research during the period of the award. Students awarded under the scheme must maintain their principle residence in Ireland during the term of the Scholarship and Scholarships must be held at a recognised third-level institution in Ireland.

The Scholarship awards are valued at €24,003 per year of award. Of this amount €16,002 is paid as a maintenance award to the Scholar. The remaining €8,001 is allocated to cover payment of fees to the Research Body, and support for the research to be carried out.


Description of Scheme
The duration of the award will normally be 36 months for PhD Funding. Funding for a M.Sc. (by research) will normally be for 12 months. Recipients of the award at M.Sc. level are encouraged to continue to a PhD providing that the additional funding period is agreed with IRCSET in advance.

Applications for funding under the scheme are accepted by an online electronic application system available at our website from June 9th 2009.

In addition to applications for Embark Initiative Funding applicants may also apply, using the online application system, for funding under IRCSET’s Enterprise Partnership Scheme. The Enterprise Partnership Scheme offers researchers the opportunity to gain additional valuable experience while completing their research by working closely with a relevant industry partner as well as providing insights into some of the commercial factors stimulating research in Ireland. Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), through the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, provide a number of additional scholarships in areas of sustainable energy. Students working in areas ranging from the grid integration of wind to the applied chemistry of bio fuels have been previously supported. IRCSET welcomes such applications to the competition. Queries regarding the scheme which have not been addressed in the scheme documentation

Apply Online:

Official announcement:

Friday, August 14, 2009

UK: PhD Studentships in Requirements Engineering and Climate Change, The Open University

The Open University (UK)
Charter Studentships

To celebrate The Open University’s 40th anniversary we offering a number of research studentships.

These studentships provide opportunities for the best national or international candidates to work alongside leading academics and research staff on projects that will inspire and shape our research portfolio. They will cover all fees for three years plus an annual stipend and are tenable from 1 October 2009. Suitable candidates should have or expect to graduate with a minimum 2:1 honours degree.

One of the topics on offer is:
Requirements Engineering and Climate Change

When developing computers systems, it is important to model the world in which they operate as well as what happens within the machine, in order to ensure requirements are met. There is however, no guarantee that the software engineers involved have an adequate understanding of that world. This issue is sharply highlighted in the case of energy and the urgent need to address climate change. In this case, the software engineers would need to engage not just with a whole array of specialist technology, but also understand the social and legal issues involved in addressing complex areas of government policy. In this project you would look at how energy and climate change expertise and policy can be made accessible to software engineers, in forms that can be readily used in modeling systems and their operational environment. You would work with experts in both Software Engineering and Energy and Climate Change, so you would need to embrace an interdisciplinary approach.

You should have a good knowledge of requirements engineering, and a strong interest in addressing the issues related to energy usage and climate change. An interest in how government policy is developed and addressed by industry would also be helpful.

Please contact Dr Robin Laney (r.c.laney[ at ], for an informal discussion and advice on drawing up a proposal.

To receive an application pack….
0845 366 6034
Email: charterstudentships[ at ]

Quote: RDKM Charter Studentships when you call or email us

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England and Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Germany: PhD Positions in Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks, TU Darmstadt

PhD Positions in Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks, TU Darmstadt, Germany

The Peer to Peer Networking Group at TU Darmstadt (Germany) is currently offering fully funded PhD student positions (BAT IIa [1]).

We are working on decentralized distributed systems (Peer to Peer, opportunistic-/ disruption tolerant networks) with a special focus on their robustness to failure and their resilience to denial of service attacks. The search for new application domains in which these concepts can help to improve services constantly drives us to tackle new fields and their problems with flexibility. Some current examples from our research comprise of cloud computing, emergency first response, as well as secure and privacy preserving online social networks, on which we are working at the moment. More information about us can be found at our website:

You have recently and very successfully received a degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or a related field. You have strong practical and analytical skills and strong knowledge in networks, distributed systems, and/or network security. Very good English skills are a prerequisite. Basic knowledge of the German language will help in the day-to-day life but is not necessarily needed.

The positions are available and the candidates can start immediately.

Please send your application comprising of a motivational letter, your cv, certificates and references to: Thorsten Strufe, Peer-to-Peer Networking Group, Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt or by email to: strufe[ at ]

TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunities employer but aims at increasing the employment of women and especially encourages women to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with disabilities who are
equally qualified.

Founded in 1877, TU Darmstadt was the first university worldwide to establish a faculty and a course of study in electrical engineering in 1882. With about 19.000 enrolled students in 13 departments and 270 professors, it is considered one of the top universities for computer science research in Germany. Darmstadt is noted for it’s history as center of Art Nouveau, and, centrally located in the Rhein-Main Area, it is close to Heidelberg, Cologne, and Frankfurt, with Germany’s biggest airport. You will find more information on Darmstadt here:

[1] The positions are open for 24 (+12) months, the salary is 29k€-49k€ p.a. gross depending on qualification and age.

Website of Thorsten Strufe Peer-to-Peer Networks, Technische Universität Darmstadt:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Belgium: Phd at Department of Electrical Engineering and of the University of Leuven

Phd at Department of Electrical Engineering and of the University of Leuven, Belgium

The research division SISTA (Signals, Identification, System Theory and Automation) is one of the largest research groups of the Department of Electrical Engineering and of the University of Leuven, Belgium (

Our research activities drive on numerical linear algebra, system identification and control, algorithms for numerical optimization and machine learning (support vector machines) and signal processing.

We also have numerous applications in industrial process control, biomedical signal processing, bio-informatics, health decision support systems and telecommunications.

We are looking for well motivated researchers to start a 4 year PhD or for experienced postdocs to pursue research activities in these fields and application areas.

On our website (, one can find a description of more than 20 different specific research topics, in which we have openings for PhDs and postdocs.

We can offer a competitive salary, a stimulating research environment, settled in the nice historic city of Leuven and its surroundings (, within a university the origins of which go back to 1425.

Electronic applications, including a CV, a list of publications, names of two possible references, and a brief description of your research interests and motivation, should be submitted to:
bart.demoor[ at ]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Germany: Scholarships for Postgraduate Students on Model Reduction for Coupled Electro-Acousto-Mechanical FE-Models, The Fraunhofer Institute for Indu

Scholarships for postgraduate students on model reduction for coupled electro-acousto-mechanical FE-models as basis of controller design, The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, ITWM, Germany

The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics is one of 57 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Society. As one of the leading organizations for applied research in Europe it offers ambitious scientists challenging tasks coupled with responsibility and room for creativity.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM in Kaiserslautern, Germany is offering

Scholarships for postgraduate students on model reduction for coupled electro-acousto-mechanical FE-models as basis of controller design

Fraunhofer ITWM is one of the biggest research institutes for applied mathematics in Europe.

You will participate in the Marie Curie Research Training Network Smart Structures set up by 14 European universities, research institutes, and companies and offering multiple interdisciplinary training activities, visits, and contacts to industry.

Your task is to apply and extend the Fraunhofer Model Reduction Toolbox (MRT) for reducing finite element models of coupled electro-acousto-mechanical systems appearing in automotive and aerospace industry. The underlying application is virtual prototyping in the field of active noise control by actuators made from smart materials such as piezo ceramics. Reducing the complexity of FE models is essential for both, controller design and performance estimation within optimizations. On the one hand, certain reduction algorithms for large systems with high damping, non-linear behaviour, or frequency dependent boundary conditions have to be investigated, extended, and implemented. On the other hand, active designs have to be optimized in an ANSYS-Matlab environment.

Experience or interest in the following fields will be helpful: numerical methods for PDEs, eigenvalues of large sparse linear systems, system- and control theory, model reduction, continuous optimization, structural mechanics, acoustics, NASTRAN, ANSYS. Programming skills in Matlab and C++ are expected.

Scholarships of 6 months, 12 months, or a full PhD-position are available. You have to be national of an EU member or associated state other than Germany. You must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.

Contract conditions comply with the EU support programme Marie-Curie. The position is currently limited to one year. Please apply online at this page.

or apply in writing with all important documents and the code number ITWM-2009-9 to:
Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM,
Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern.

Any questions regarding this position will be answered by
Dr. Jan Mohring, jan.mohring[ at ]

Monday, August 10, 2009

South Korea: Postdoc Positions in Applied Mathematics, Kyungpook National University

Postdoc Positions in Applied Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

The Department of Mathematics at Kyungpook National University is excited to announce its new Post-Doc program for WCU(World Class University) Project in Applied Fluid Dynamics. WCU is higher education subsidy program of Korean government to upgrade research level of Korean universities by generously supporting a group of eminent international research scientists. Professor Juan M. Lopez at Arizona State University who is prominent in Fluid Dynamics will join our WCU project. It will continue five years until 2013.

We are soliciting postdoctoral research fellows to participate in this exciting research program to study in the field of Applied Fluid Dynamics. Applicants should be strong in Numerical computation of Partial differential equation.

This is a one-year appointment and is renewable. The annual salary starts from 24,000,000 Korean Won(the maximum salary - 42,000,000 Korean Won) depending on the research experie nce and qualifications. Successful applicants can get an incentive with their salaries as much as their performances.

All applicants should include the following items:
a. Curriculum vitae
b. Publications list
c. Other materials as seemed necessary to evaluate applicant’s research ability.

To apply, send above items electronically to yhdo[ at ]

Consideration of applications will continue the positions are filled throughout the WCU Project.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact at the e-mail address above.

For more information about WCU Project of Korea, refer to the KOSEF website.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Belgium: PhD / Postdoctoral Positions in Computer Science, KU Leuven

Ph.D. or postdoctoral position on “Computational aspects of uncertainty propagation in multiscale systems” at K.U.Leuven, Belgium

Many problems in science and engineering are characterized by the presence of multiple scales. In the Scientific Computing Group at the dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, we develop numerical
techniques for the simulation and analysis of multiscale models, with emphasis on the ‘equation-free framework’ and RVE-based micro/macro methods.

In a new project, we aim to quantify and to control the inherent uncertainty at the coarse scale that originates from the use of stochastic fine-scale models. Due to the fine-scale stochasticity, propagates into the coarse model and how it affects the coarse solution. The aim is to reduce this numerical noise, and to investigate how to match the resulting errors with those resulting from other sources, such as discretisation errors.

For this project we are looking for a candidate holding a masters degree or PhD in either Applied Mathematics/Numerical Mathematics/Scientific Computing or similar disciplines, who is interested to work on this project, in collaboration with other researchers in the group.

The position at the pre-doctoral level will be initially for one year. After a positive evaluation, this position will be extended for three more years. The position at the post-doctoral level is for one year with the possibility of extension for a second year. The position can commence immediately.

Interested candidates should submit their application by email to Dirk.Roose[ at ] and to Giovanni.Samaey[ at ]

The email should contain a pdf-file as an attachment with the following information:

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
a short description of your qualifications and experience (i.e. courses, Diploma or Master thesis, PhD thesis)
a letter describing your scientific interests related to the project
names and email-addresses of one or two scientists willing to provide a reference
Dirk Roose
Dept. Computer Science, K.U.Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium
email: Dirk.Roose[ at ]

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Austria: PhD Position in Optimal Control, The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics

PhD position in optimal control, The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, Austria

The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) in Linz is looking for 1 PhD student in the field of the optimal control and optimisation. This position is part of the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) project “Numerical verification of optimality and optimality conditions for optimal control problems”.

A master’s degree in (applied) mathematics or a closely related field is required. The successful candidate should have an excellent background in applied mathematics, optimization, partial differential equations, and their numerics. Programming skills are desirable.

The research is funded by the FWF according to its salary guidelines “FWF Personalkostensaetze fuer DoktorandIn neu” (see this link). The position is limited to three years. Funding for conference visits etc. is available.

More information can be found at

Please send the usual documents (CV, degree certificates, thesis - if already finished, title and abstract otherwise, references, and letter of motivation), preferably by email, to

Daniel Wachsmuth (daniel.wachsmuth[ at ]
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Altenbergerstrasse 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria

Friday, August 7, 2009

Germany: Funded International Students Innovation Camp, Palomar5, Berlin

Become one of the 30 young minds and realize your ideas during a 6-week-innovation camp in Berlin in Oct/Nov!

What is Palomar5 and what we are trying to do:
Palomar5 is a project founded 2009 in Berlin. This non-profit initiative forms a network of creative people with the will to design and engineer the working world of tomorrow. Palomar5 wants to break with prevailing paradigms and build new structures that can satisfy the needs and possibilities of our young generation.

From October until end of November 2009, young visionaries will come together in Berlin’s spectacular Malzfabrik. They will live and work in a unique experimental space for six weeks and get input and feedback from inspiring experts from business, culture, and science. The Palomar5 camp wants to overcome the limitations of think-tanks and barcamps: Ideas should not only be thought, they should come alive. An Idea could end up as software, a scenario-game or a prototype model. During the Palomar5 summit following the camp decision makers from companies and thought leaders in our society will be invited to dive into the camp participants’ temporary working world and to get inspiration for their organizations.

Apply for the camp today!
We look for ambitious minds between 18 and 30, who want to change the way of working, push the boundaries and seek a space to put their ideas into practice with others.

It doesn’t matter what background, culture or country you come from – so you may be an artist, a hacker or a scientist, as well as a college drop out or an entrepreneur.

So how do you apply?
The first step is an online-application, but there are no limits as to the creativity and form. You can apply until 15th of August 2009. Find more information about the application process and the project at:

Participants’ flights, meals and accommodation will be fully financed by our sponsors. Palomar5 is backed by Deutsche Telekom AG and other notable enterprises

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at team[ at ]

USA: Postdoc Position in Dynamic FEM at UC Berkeley

Postdoc position in dynamic FEM at UC Berkeley, USA

Prof. James O’Brien and Jonathan Shewchuk are looking to hire a post-doc for a project on Lagrangian FEM modeling of deformable solids with dynamically changing tetrahedral meshes, with applications in computer graphics. The primary qualifications are a strong mathematical knowledge of FEM for 3D solid mechanics, and the ability to write good FEM implementations in C or C++. Niceties would include familiarity with mesh generation algorithms, viscoplasticity modeling, fluid mechanics, solid-fluid coupling, and computer graphics.

The position is available as soon as we can get your paperwork processed, though we might be willing to wait for the right applicant. The salary has not been determined yet. The position will last one or two years, depending on how we like your first year. US citizens/permanent residents have an edge, but we’ll consider strong folks from anywhere. I will gladly send a copy of the funded grant proposal, which describes in detail what we want to do, to anyone who requests it.

Please send inquiries to BOTH jrs[ at ] and job[ at ]

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ireland: PhD Studentship in Computer Vision based Advanced Geotechnologies,

The Computer Vision and Imaging Laboratory, at the Department of Computer Science, NUI

Maynooth is currently inviting applications for a PhD Studentship in Computer Vision based Advanced Geotechnologies. The successful candidate will be required to develop state-of-the-art computer vision techniques for improved image understanding,image querying and matching, and camera pose estimation. This work will becarried out as part of a larger project to develop a Smart Campus Environment incorporating state-of-the-art geotechnologies. In particular, it is intended that the outputs of the student’s research will provide the foundations for solutions within this environment for image-based userlocalization, intelligent user navigation, augmented reality, and distributed smart camera networks.

This position is part of a ScienceFoundation Ireland (SFI) funded Strategic Research Cluster in Advanced Geotechnologies (StratAG – that involves a consortium of departments from NUI Maynooth, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and University College Dublin (UCD). StratAG is a collaborative research programme aimed at developing new tools and technologies for the capture, analysis, and visualisation of geospatial information and the delivery of location based services using these technologies.

Interested candidates should hold afirst or upper second class honours degree in Computer

Science, Electronic Engineering, ora related discipline. Applicants should be able to demonstrate excellent mathematical, analytical, computer programming and communication skills.Previous experience in any of the following areas would be a distinct advantage: image processing/computer vision (e.g. feature extraction and matching, multiple view geometry, 3D reconstruction, etc.), pattern recognition, OpenCV, and OpenGL. Applicants who hold research masters in arelevant area are particularly welcomed.

Successful candidates will initially be enrolled on a full-time Masters of Science, with a review after 12 months for progression to a PhD programme. The studentship will comprise of fees and an annual stipend of 16,000 Euros (index linked). The successful applicant willbe provided with desk space, office and computing facilities, travel funding,and research training. Non-EU applicants are welcomed, however please note that unfortunately we cannot provide the international supplement to tuition fees for those students (this currently amounts to additional 5,000 EUR per year,but that amount might increase). Assuch, non-EU applicants will have to find their own funding to cover the supplement.

Applications should be submitted by email and should include a covering letter, a personal statement including a description oflatest research results, and CV including full list of publication and the names, addresses, fax and telephone numbers of two referees. Please include CVGA in the subject of your email. Applicants from outside of the EU should state clearly your visa requirements in your initial emails. Please do not send transcripts at this stage.

Application deadline: 17:00, 14th August 2009.

For all queries please contact: JohnMcDonald

Email: johnmcd[ at ]

France: Phd Position in Computer Science / Embedded Systems, ESTACA, Laval(53) France

Development methodology for distributed real-time embedded systems: application to automotive domain

The complexity of hardware architectures, the arrival of new functions and the growing size of embedded code are the actual challenges of automotive electronic. In a vehicle, all these aspects make the real-time distributed systems development harder. Traditional development techniques do not guarantee the interoperability between the software components, especially distribution constraints, integration and timing constraints. To face this problematic, the AUTOSAR (Automotive open system architecture) consortium regroups the main worldwide actors in automotive (manufacturers, suppliers, software publishers and electronic providers). This initiative aims to define an open standard for embedded architecture allowing the development of the emerging distributed functions and for the next vehicle generations. AUTOSAR allows developing, internally or externally, and deploying software components, middle-class or applied, on specified hardware architecture in an optimal manner. The approach also integrates Flexray, the new communication protocol, associating synchronous and asynchronous communication to answer the request of critical and determinist systems. The actual AUTOSAR model does not consider timing constraints in the development process, neither the dynamic resources management for non-critical functionalities of the system. The timing consideration will complete the AUTOSAR norm for a continuous deployment in automotive industry.

The objectives of the PhD are:

A model for the timing constraints at the specification phase of the AUTOSAR development process. The model will describe the software timing properties and their requirements on the architecture (period, precedence constraints, etc), on the system’s hardware topology (bandwidth, network topology, etc) and on the system deployment (task placement, communication resources allocation, task and message WCET, etc).
Methods of safety dependability assuring required safety level for critical software.
Scheduling strategy of tasks and messages exploiting the proposed model’s properties to optimise resources usage of the CPU (local scheduling) and of the network (global scheduling). The network considered in the PhD will be the Flexray bus and the real-time operating system will be compliant with the norm OSEK/VDX.
An experimentation of the model and the proposed methods, using an innovating function X-by-wire and the laboratory means: DSPACE benchmark, Vector tools, FlexRay systems, V850 board, etc.
The position is open until filled.

sebastien.saudrais[ at ]esatca[ dot]fr

patrick.leserf[ at ]esatca[ dot]fr

khaled.chaaban[ at ]esatca[ dot]fr

PhD location :
The PhD will take place at the embedded system laboratory of ESTACA in Laval (53), France with some moving to UTC of Compiègne for meetings with the PhD director.

Financing : ESTACA contract for 3 years.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Germany: PhD Position in Nanoelectronics, Ruhr-University of Bochum

PhD Position in Nanoelectronics, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

The Electronic Materials and Nanoelectronics group at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informationtechnology of the Ruhr-University of Bochum welcomes applications for an open scientific position. The opportunity to graduate with a doctoral degree (PhD) exists. You will experience interdisciplinary research within the new priority programm of the German Science Foundation „Nanostructrured Thermoelectric Materials“ SPP1386 in the international research field of “Nanoelectronics”. Forschungsziel ist es die Thermokraft in komplexen, elektronischen Quantendrahtstrukturen zu messen und zu verstehen.

You will be concerned with the fabrication of quantum wire structures via semiconductor nanolithography and perform thermo-/electric low-temperature measurements. Our research goal is to investigate and understand thermopower of complex electronic quantum-wire structures. Prerequisites for the successful candidate are an excellent masters or diploma degree, the ability to perform independent scientific work, and very good English language skills.

Excellent masters degree in physics, material science or electrical engineering

Please send your application to :
Priv.Doz. Dr. Saskia F. Fischer
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Electronic Materials and Nanoelectronics, IC 2/33
D-44780 Bochum

saskia.fischer[ at ]

The Ruhr-University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity in employment and gender equality in its working environment. To increase gender distribution in all job categories and at all levels, we strongly encourage applications from qualified women. Female applicants will be given preferential consideration when their level of qualification, competence and professional achievements equals that of male candidates, unless arguments based on the personal background of a male co-applicant prevail. Applications from appropriately qualified handicapped persons are also encouraged.