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Saturday, June 28, 2008

International Scholorships for Pakistani Students

International Student Scholarship Package :
NEWI is offering scholarships to international students who satisfy all entrance requirements for September 2007 entry. Details

Developing Solutions Undergraduate Scholarships:
Scholarships for Students from Africa, India and other Developing Commonwealth Countries – 2007 Entry 5 x 50% Tuition Fee Scholarships are available for new students from Africa, Indiaand other developing commonwealth countries, registering on undergraduateprogrammes in the areas related to Environment, Food, Health and Technology(excluding Medicine or Veterinary Science).at the University of Nottingham inSeptember 2007. Details

HEC Overseas Scholarships for MS/MPhil Leading to PhD

1000 Scholarship from Govt. of Cuba, for General Medicine Studies:
The Republic of Cuba has offered 1000, fully funded Scholarships to Pakistan Nationals, for Graduate studies in General Comprehensive Medicine (equivalent to MBBS), in leading Cuban Medical intitutions, recognized by WHO. Details

King's College London Scholarship to students of Pakistan:
King's College London awards a scholarship to a student from Pakistan, tenable for a postgraduate research degree (MPhil or PhD programmes only) in a science-related discipline offered by the College. The fellowship will cover the scholar’s tuition fees plus a maintenance grant, for a period of up to three years subject to satisfactory progress. Details

OSI/FCO Chevening/Cambridge University Scholarships:
Offered in collaboration with the Open Society Institute, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Cambridge Trusts (Cambridge Overseas Trust, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust), these scholarships enable students of outstanding academic merit to pursue one-year taught postgraduate courses of study at the University of Cambridge in subjects relevant to the needs of their countries. Details

The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) establishes scholarship program in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP)The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) is pleased to announce theGlobal Engagement Fellows Program, in partnership with the University of Science andTechnology Bannu, NWFP. This program results from the leadership of NWFP Chief MinisterDurrani, who signed an MOU in October 2005 with the Institute’s President, Chris Seiple,pledging to promote mutual understanding between Pakistan and the United States, andbetween Muslims and Christians. Details

UNESCO/L'OREAL Co-Sponsored Fellowships for Young Women in Life Sciences:
Government of Pakistan has received offer of scholarships from L’ORÉAL through UNESCO. Nominations from Pakistan will be routed through Higher Education Commission. Details of the scholarship are given below. Details

Master leading to PhD Scholarship in Economics & Finance:
The Scholarship is based on; To create a critical mass of highly qualified manpower in the field of Economic and Finance. Development of Economy in Pakistan through addition of PhDs in Economics and Finance. To facilitate to achieve rapid economic progress. To provide opportunities to young talented Economists of Pakistan for training/research work at advanced institutes and reputed universities abroad and interaction with foreign Financial Experts and Economists working at frontiers of knowledge. To encourage international cooperation in Economics and Finance through harnessing training opportunities offered by selected countries.

Australia Pakistan Scholarship Program (APSP):
Applications are invited from outstanding Pakistan/AJK nationals for the award of scholarships for higher studies leading to Ph.D. The scholarships will be awarded for Fall 2006 or Spring 2007 in leading universities of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Singapore as per HEC approved list of universities.

HEC Ph.D Scholarships:
Applications are invited from outstanding Pakistan/AJK nationals for the award of scholarships for higher studies leading to Ph.D. The scholarships will be awarded for Fall 2006 or Spring 2007 in leading universities of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Singapore as per HEC approved list of universities.

Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Fellowship Programme:
The Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Fellowship Programme is designed to provide assistance to individuals who wish to broaden their experience or improve their skills through a short-term attachment at a UK university or training institution in the following subjects.

Hornby Trust Long Term Award:
The British Council Pakistan has been invited to nominate two teachers for the Hornby Trust Long Term Award. The awards are for full-time UK-based TEFL/TESL Diploma or Masters courses of 9-12 months duration. Deadline 20 Feb 2006

Endeavour Executive Awards for Pakistan:
The Endeavour Executive Awards for Pakistan provide professional development opportunities for high achievers in business, industry, education or government from Pakistan e.g. secondary school principals would work side by side with their Australian colleagues in counterpart schools. They allow professionals the opportunity on returning home to update and enhance their skills and knowledge, which will be passed on to colleagues. They will also establish ongoing linkages and networks.

HEC Overseas Scholarships for Masters / PhD at AIT, Bangkok:
Applications are invited from Full time Regular Teachers of Public Sector Universities/ Degree Awarding Institutions and employees of Public sector R&D Organizations for award of scholarship for pursuing Masters/ Doctoral studies in Sciences, Engineering and Technology in Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok so as to reach the undersigned on or before February 06, 2006. Medium of instructions at AIT is English.
see more details

Overseas Scholarships for MS Engg in South Korea:
The Scheme envisages Master level training of 250 candidates in advanced Engineering and Technological fields at South Korean Universities.
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HEC Overseas Scholarships for Masters in Engineering:
Applications are invited from Full time Regular Teachers of Public sector Universities/ Degree awarding Institutes for Master degree program in Engineering in European Countries so as to reach the undersigned on or before February 06, 2006.
see more details

Shell Centenary Scholarships:
The Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund (SCSF) offers postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the UK and gain skills that will make a long-term contribution to the further development of their countries. Each year over 60 students from all around the world are given one-year full-cost scholarships. Applicants need to have a Masters degree, excellent marks and an IELTS score of 7.5

Kings College London Pakistan Scholarship:
King's College London awards a scholarship to a student from Pakistan, tenable for a postgraduate research degree in a science-related discipline offered by the College.

University of Strathclyde Pakistan 50th Anniversary Fund Scholarship:
The aim of the Fund is to provide an opportunity for well qualified but needy Pakistan nationals (living in Pakistan) to pursue one-year MSc study in the UK.Priority will be given to subjects in the areas of engineering, computing and business management or any other subject which the partners deem acceptable or which cannot be pursued adequately in Pakistan.

Middlesex University Regional Scholarships for Pakistan:
Middlesex University awards regional scholarships known as Middlesex University Regional Awards (MURA) in the form of a bursary towards the tuition fee.

University of Warwick Scholarships for Pakistan Nationals: Pakistan Undergraduate Scholarship (One Award) Pakistan Postgraduate Scholarship (One Award)

Govt.of Japan Scholarships for Pakistanis:

German Govt. Scholarships for Pakistanis:

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarships:
Since 2003 there is a new Scholarship for Pakistani Students, the DAAD-Siemens Scholarship. With this scholarship young Engineers

DAAD-Siemens Scholarship:
Since 2003 there is a new Scholarship for Pakistani Students, the DAAD-Siemens Scholarship. With this scholarship young Engineers and Graduates are awarded scholarships to undergo Master Studies in Germany.,property=Daten.pdf

Intl'l Organization for Pakistani Women Engineers:
IOPWE provides merit and need based scholarships to students pursuing engineering degrees in Pakistan.

Foreign Scholarships on HEC website:
Given is a list of scholarship donors as provided on HEC website.

Scholarships for Medical Studies (British Council):
The British Council's health department has been offering assistance to overseas doctors in postgraduate medical education and training in the UK for many years. The British Council provides information on postgraduate medical education and training through the National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education (NACPME). Aslo assists overseas doctors in obtaining limited registration with exemption from the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Board) test with the GMC (General Medical Council) by providing sponsorship.

German Embassy Pakistan:
Several German institutions, foremost the DAAD (, are providing support to foreign students through scholarships ( The scholarships offered by the DAAD are awarded to younger university graduates from all academic disciplines as well as from the fields of music and art (and, in exceptional cases, to advanced students). Support is also available for young academics and scientists, university teachers and groups completing study visits under the guidance of a university teacher.

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Merit Scholarships:
Scholarships offered are in the following fields of study; Engineering (Mechanical, Agriculture, Chemical, Metallurgy, Civil Mining, Mechatronics), Science (Physics, Electronics, Mathematics, Geology, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture), Medicine (MBBS).

Outstanding Talent Development Scholarship Program-phase:
IIPITB is pleased to announce the Scholarships for BS, MS, and Ph.D. freshly admitted, Punjab Domiclled, cademically talented, financially needly students having minmum 50% marks in all previous board and university examination.

Overseas Scholarships for PhD Applications are invited from the deserving candidates for overseas Ph.D. program in the following diciplines.Details

The Schimmel Scholarship is awarded to women for study at recognized institutions of higher education in the UK for up to two academic years.

HEC Overseas LLM/PhD Scholarships for Law Graduates:
The Government of Pakistan is in the process of setting up a National Law University of World Class standard through the Higher Education Commission. In order to induct top-quality faculty, the HEC invites applications from talented and self-motivated law graduates from all areas of Pakistan who will be sent for higher legal studies in the leading International Universities for LLM and PhD.

National Internship Program:
In order to better equip our nation's graduates for their future career the Government of Pakistan has introduced a revolutionary National Internship Program where fresh unemployed graduates from all over the country will get one year hands-on experience with government organizations nationwide and emerge as an even better human resource for the country's booming economy.

100 Merit Scholarships for studies leading to all programmes:
Dadabhoy Foundation a philanthropic organization announces 100 Merit Scholarships for studies leading to all programmes in faculties of Science and Business Administration including M Phil. in Management Sciences. Details

JICA - HEC Scholarships:
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) scholarships are administrated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan and provided 100% tuition fee. Details

Scholarships for Faculty Development:
The Istitute of Space Technology (IST) invites applications for its Faculty Development Program (FDP) to meet its continously growing requiremnet. Under the FDP initiative, fully funded doctoral level scholarships are being announced in following disciplines.Details

MS SCHOLARSHIPS In Nano Science & Technology:
Five Scholarships are available for studies aboard in areas of Nano Science & Technology, particularly in Device Fabrication at Nano Scale. Details

Scholarships for Ph.D Abroad Under Faculty Development Programme:
Applications are invited for Ph.D. Studies in various engineering disciplines at the Universities of USA, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, China and Various other Countries. Details

Common Wealth Scholarship Program in the United Kingdom:
Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals, holding faculty position and fulfilling following eligibility criteria, selection procedure Deadlines etc. for award of Ph.D and Split-Site Doctoral, Tenable in UK, 2007 Details

Fair & Lovely Scholarship Scheme

Scholarship for Assistantships & Study Loan:
University of South Asia in association with the The Bank of Punjab announces the award of Scholarships, Assistantships and Study Loans to the students seeking admission in Bachelor's and Master's programs. Details

Common Wealth General Scholarship Program :
Government of Ministry Education has duty to National Testing Services (NTS) for Higher Education. Fro details click below: Details

Overseas Scholarship Scheme for Phd:
Applications are invited from outsiding Pakistan/AJK nationals for the award of scholarships for higher studies leading to PhD. The scholarship will be awarded for Fall 2006 or Spring 2007 in HEC identified, world top ranked, discipline wise, Universities of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, etc. Details

Indigenous Ph.D. Fellowships Application Invited:
Applications are invited from Pakistan/AJK nationals for Ph.D Fellowship in ALL AREA OF STUDIES under the Ph.D. Fellowship for 5000 Scholars Program. Details

HEC Post Doctoral Fellowships:
Refurbish your research horizon though post Doctoral Research Opportunity in Advanced Countries. Details

LUMS announces National Outreach Programme This programme enables the talented students get admission to LUMS programmes with generous financial aid. Details

Students Loan From National Bank of Pakistan
Last date of submission form 15 march 2006, from National Bank of Pakistan Details

HEC-USAID announces 21 Scholarships for the LUMS MBA Session 2006,2008 This scholarship covers all expenses including tuition, lodging, books & materials etc. For more details please visit the LUMS website or Higher Education Commission website. Details

Institution of Engineers Pakistan:
Scholarship will be given to a needy first year student for Four Years with satisfactory progress (passing each year / semester examination as a whole and in first attempt) during his studies, who is studying in any Government engineering universities / colleges in Pakistan in any Discipline.

Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Fellowship:
This fellowship is intended to encourage exceptional Pakistani students to attend graduate school and and to help Pakistan's technological growth. Sohaib Abbasi, BS 78, MS 80, is senior vice president of the Tools Product Division of Oracle Corporation.

Scholarships in Pakistan:
Any student who gains admission at one of the participating universities may apply to become a USAID scholar through HEC. Scholarships will be awarded based upon merit and financial need.

Talent Scholarship by PITB:
This program supports scholarships for academically talented, financially needy students, enabling them to enter the high technology workforce following completion of their education. More Details:

Postgraduate studies program in France:
French embassy has announced “Postgraduate studies program in France” in collaboration with Higher Education Commission for the year 2005. Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals on the prescribed application form. All the applicants are required to meet certain criteria. It is a SELF FINANCE program with only few (Partial) scholarships from French embassy, average cost for 15 months studies in France including living cost is € 9150Last Date to receive applications is 30th September 2004More Details at:

China offers 300 scholarships for Pakistani students:
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) has approved a scheme to send 300 to 500 Pakistani students to various Chinese universities every year for higher education.More Details at:

IEEE Microwave Theory:
Up to six $6,000 fellowships will be awarded in 2005 for Graduate Research studies in microwave engineering on a full-time basisAnnouncing the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Graduate Fellowships for 2005 - Application Deadline: 30 November, 2004For application forms and eligibility requirements please check out the IEEE MTT-S Home Page at and follow the link to "Education" and "Graduate Fellowship"More Details at:

British Chevening Scholarship:
Scholarships for Pakistanies with a Masters degree for the fields of Business Admin, Gender Studies, Media Studies, Design, Internation Relations, Public Administration, Economics, Law, Social Development, Environmental Studies, Management, Human Rights More Details:

Commonwealth General Scholarships :
Government of Pakistan Ministry of Education has assigned and authorized National Testing Service (NTS) to conduct a performance test (GRE General Type local) of the candidates for General Scholarship offered by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, London, U.K. More Details at:


New Guest said...
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New Guest said...

What is Postgraduate studies program in France criteria ?
Latest Admission in Pakistan

Faatii said...

Fabulous, what a good post though
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Faatii said...

I have gone through few of your other [osts admin, good job
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