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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Germany: Research Assistant Position in Neurobiology and Genetics of Drosophila, University of Goettingen

The newly established “Department of Molecular Neurobiology of Behaviour” at the University of Goettingen invites application for a full time (currently 39.8 hours per week) position as a

Research Assistant

starting at the earliest on November 1, 2008.

The Department (Prof. André Fiala) uses the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to analyze the neurobiological basis of olfactory sensory coding, and learning and memory processes on the molecular, cellular and behavioural level. We are seeking a highly motivated scientist holding a doctoral degree in Biology who has good expertise in the field of Neurobiology and Genetics of Drosophila. The position includes teaching activities for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs in Zoophysiology and Neurobiology.

The position is initially restricted to a period of two years with the option of prolongation. Salary will be according to the German state employees salary scheme 13 TV-L.

The possibility of achieving a Habilitation degree will be provided.

For questions please contact: Dr. Andre Fiala, E-Mail: afiala[at]

Please submit your application until September 30, 2008, to:

Karen Dennecke/Birgit Rossi
für Zoologie und Anthropologie
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11
37077 Göttingen

In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of employment the University of Göttingen actively encourages applications from women. Severely handicapped persons will be favoured when equally qualified.

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