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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Poland: International PhD Program Fellowships, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw

International PhD Program Fellowships, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland

New International PhD program
The Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw offers a new international PhD program: “From simple molecules to nanostructured and bioactive materials”, supported by European Union and the Foundation for Polish Science.

Duration of the program is 4 years, including 6-24 months spent abroad in the Partner research institutions. Students from all countries are invited to apply - up to 18 students will be admitted. A fellowship of 3000 PLN/month (tax-free) + 500 PLN/month (insurance) is offered, which compares well with the average salary in Poland. An additional allowance of 1500 PLN /month will be provided for the stay at the foreign partner institution.

Information and contact:

Professor Renata Bilewicz,
Phone: +48 22 8220211 ext. 345
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland

Deadline for applications: January 1, 2009.

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