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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Taiwan: Postdoc Position in Phenomenological Aspects of High-energy Physics, Chung Yuan Christian University

Postdoc Position in Phenomenological Aspects of High-energy Physics, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan

The theoretical high energy group at Chung Yuan Christian University seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position. Research fields at the group emphasize the phenomenological aspects of high-energy physics. Current interests include Cosmology, CP violation, B physics, QCD, Effective field theories, and physics beyond the standard model.

The position is for one year and is renewable for a second one subject to the funding agency approval. Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae including a list of publications and one–three letter(s) of recommendation to: kcyang[ at ] or

Prof. Kwei-Chou Yang
Department of Physics
Chung Yuan Christian University
Chung-Li, Taiwan 32023
Republic of China
kcyang[ at ]
+886-3-2653299 (fax)

Review of applications will begin from now, and continue until the position is filled. The position will start from August 1, 2009.

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