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Friday, March 13, 2009

Spain: PhD Research Fellowship in Empirical Behavioral Operations Management, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program

MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program
A behavioral perspective on operations management studies the attributes of human behavior and cognition that impact the design, management, and improvement of operating systems. This perspective may employ different empirical methods, such as experiments and surveys, and may build upon different levels of analysis, such as the individual (e.g. recent versions of the beergame that account for bounded rationality of individual decision takers) and the group (e.g. studies that explore the impact of social variables such as trust and organizational learning on supply chain performance).

As part of the research group of the Supply Chain Management Laboratory (scmLAB), the candidate should conduct empirical research to develop and test theories related to (inter)organizational learning in supply chains to be published in top international scientific journals. Related research lines of the research group can be consulted on the website

Exceptional applicants from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. All applicants must, at a minimum, fulfill all of the admissions requirements for the PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Zaragoza Logistics Center in order to be considered. While applicants are expected to have an aptitude for analytical thinking, a previous degree in engineering is not required. Furthermore, candidates should have excellent research and writing skills, and be fluent in English. Spanish is not required. Knowledge on experimental design is highly desirable.

What do we offer
The fellow is appointed for one year with yearly renewals, depending on performance, for three consecutive years (four years in total) and will receive a monthly payment of €1.250 gross, including National Health Service, as well as an accident insurance. Furthermore there are funds training activities and for travelling related to the research project.

The fellow will be enrolled in the PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program of Zaragoza Logistics Center. PhD students typically complete courses in the MIT-Zaragoza master’s degree program (ZLOG) during the first two years before continuing with advanced courses and dissertation work. Third year MIT-Zaragoza PhD students can go abroad and spend a semester or longer at other leading business and engineering schools (usually at MIT in Boston).

Start date of the special PhD-position
August 2009. Other funding possibilities may be available to begin some months earlier and thereby attend the PhD Summer Academy 2009 organized by ZLC.

Application Process
To apply, candidates must complete all of the application requirements from the PhD program. Additionally, we ask for a statement of no more than 500 words describing the motivation to study the topic of this vacancy and a proposed research project including its broader significance.

The deadline for applying is April 15th, 2009.

Short-listed candidates will be notified prior to April 30th, 2009 and interviews will be arranged.

Please consult our web site for further information. Questions regarding the general process can be directed to admission[ at ] or regarding this special position to financialaid[ at ]

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