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Monday, June 29, 2009

UK: ESRC Collaborative Research Studentship, University of Edinburgh

Interventions to Promote Science Engagement: Reach and Impact
An ESRC Collaborative Research Studentship, offered by the Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI), University of Edinburgh, and The Scottish Government, Office of the Chief Researcher

Applicants are invited for an ESRC studentship starting September 2009. The normal ESRC grant applies (full fees and maintenance), with an additional supplement of £2000 p.a. The studentship follows a 1+3 format: one year of Masters research training and three years on the PhD programme. Please note that part-time studentships are not available.

All UK citizens are eligible to apply, plus EU citizens who satisfy ESRC residential requirements. Applicants must have a good honours degree. Candidates apply (see link below) via the Graduate School in Social and Political Science for the doctoral programme in Science and Technology Studies.

The studentship is attached to a collaborative project between the University of Edinburgh and The Scottish Government. The broad aim of this project is to provide insights into how best to promote science engagement in Scotland. Science engagement (SE) is understood to encompass activities seeking to increase public interest and participation in science and technology and related social and ethical issues, with different stakeholders having often differing agendas. By auditing existing SE activities, and conducting supplementary qualitative research with potential and actual audiences, the project seeks to establish the reach and impact of these activities, recognizing that the diverse publics may have quite different perspective on and experiences of them.

The successful candidate will join a thriving community of staff and students doing related research in ISSTI, and receive highly rated training through the Graduate School in Social and Political Science. They will also have the benefit of Scottish Government activities aimed at familiarising collaborative students with the policy world and building their skills in knowledge transfer. The project will be undertaken in cooperation with the Edinburgh Beltane, one of the six UK Beacons for Public Engagement.

Candidates should contact:

Dr Wendy Faulkner
w.faulkner[ at ]
0131 650 4069

to discuss their application. Applications are due by 6 July 2009.

Further information, please visit this page.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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