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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Belgium: PhD / Postdoctoral Positions in Computer Science, KU Leuven

Ph.D. or postdoctoral position on “Computational aspects of uncertainty propagation in multiscale systems” at K.U.Leuven, Belgium

Many problems in science and engineering are characterized by the presence of multiple scales. In the Scientific Computing Group at the dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, we develop numerical
techniques for the simulation and analysis of multiscale models, with emphasis on the ‘equation-free framework’ and RVE-based micro/macro methods.

In a new project, we aim to quantify and to control the inherent uncertainty at the coarse scale that originates from the use of stochastic fine-scale models. Due to the fine-scale stochasticity, propagates into the coarse model and how it affects the coarse solution. The aim is to reduce this numerical noise, and to investigate how to match the resulting errors with those resulting from other sources, such as discretisation errors.

For this project we are looking for a candidate holding a masters degree or PhD in either Applied Mathematics/Numerical Mathematics/Scientific Computing or similar disciplines, who is interested to work on this project, in collaboration with other researchers in the group.

The position at the pre-doctoral level will be initially for one year. After a positive evaluation, this position will be extended for three more years. The position at the post-doctoral level is for one year with the possibility of extension for a second year. The position can commence immediately.

Interested candidates should submit their application by email to Dirk.Roose[ at ] and to Giovanni.Samaey[ at ]

The email should contain a pdf-file as an attachment with the following information:

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
a short description of your qualifications and experience (i.e. courses, Diploma or Master thesis, PhD thesis)
a letter describing your scientific interests related to the project
names and email-addresses of one or two scientists willing to provide a reference
Dirk Roose
Dept. Computer Science, K.U.Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium
email: Dirk.Roose[ at ]

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